The Results Are In: Here’s What I’ll Be Presenting At WOVOCon VI

Photo courtesy WOVO

Hey there, hero!
Recently, I asked what one big takeaway you’ve gotten from these videos or working with me as a client or student.
I really appreciated your suggestions, and along with what WOVOCon needed in terms of gaps in their agenda, we’ve arrived at the session I’ll be teaching.
Here it is, and I hope to see you next weekend!
Link to registration for WOVOCon VI:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence
and woo hoo what am I saying woo hoo
about well I asked a few days ago in a
previous video for you to help me by
letting me know what your number one
takeaway has been from these videos or
from working with me as a coach or a
mentor or a student with vo heroes
because I’m going to be speaking coming
up in a week or so at low VOC on six in
Las Vegas
yeah I have to go to Las Vegas isn’t
that horrible
anyway I just wanted they had some
options for me as to what I wanted to
talk about I’m gonna be speaking there
and giving a presentation and so I’m
like well what I mean the go-to is
getting started in voiceover but then
they said we have a lot of people who
are further along in their journey than
just getting started people are just
getting started probably won’t even know
about world voices organization and
wouldn’t be attending wove oak on there
will be some there but many more people
who have already established themselves
so we’d like you to come up with some
stuff so I asked you for your help and
boy did you help me you did and the
results are in
I gave whoa VOC on everything that you
had sent me and we got together and we
talked about it and we’ve come up with a
talk for me it’s gonna be Sunday the
20th I believe at 1:00 or so in the
afternoon at least that’s when they have
me scheduled right now and I want to
read to you what we came up with by the
way there’s a link above the video or
below the video above the video on vo
heroes com2 wove oak on six if you want
to register for it and join me in Vegas
which is a horrible place to go it just
is it’s awful it’s there’s nothing to do
there there’s no entertainment it’s not
fun to play slot machines that have
video game-like interfaces and I’m lying
just you know anyway here’s what I’m
gonna do I’m gonna and it was suggested
by them and at least one or two of you
said yeah that’s a great idea
it’s called retrofitting your voiceover
practice that’s the title of
session and here’s the description think
back to the moment you decided to become
a voice-over talent the excitement the
anticipation the joy and the confusion
great I’m gonna be a voice-over talent
what do I do now how do I put this thing
together what am i clients expect what
equipment do I get how do I handle the
inevitable rejections lots of questions
and maybe just maybe you got the right
answers you know or maybe you did your
best with what you had what you didn’t
know you didn’t even know what you
didn’t know
maybe you through some stuff against the
wall kind of saw what stuck for the
moment and hope for the best and that’s
what you’ve been working with all along
well let’s retrofit all that let’s treat
your voice over practice like a
beautiful house that we’re gonna rebuild
because it wasn’t built all that well in
the beginning or there are newer
processes and techniques you know let’s
remodel your voiceover practice with
world-class best-of-breed processes and
systems let’s get things organized and
running smoothly
bring your thorniest issues to the
session and let’s get them straightened
out questions that maybe you still have
voice talent and creator of the
award-winning voiceover training program
vo heroes David H Lawrence 17th we’ll
walk you through these choices and
present what’s working now today in the
world of voice-over you’ll come away
with a new foundation and a series of
dependable workflows that can free up
your time to make more great sound yes I
use the home remodeling motif and and
and process to model that so that’s what
I’m gonna be talking about it wove oak
on six I would love to see you there
again what I’d like to ask you to do in
the comments below is if you could
change anything about your business that
held you back that made you have to do
work twice or maybe even three times to
get it right process tools your mindset
the ways you approach different
different categories if there’s
something that you wish you would have
had more information on when you first
started I know I asked a version of this
question before but I would love to know
because there might be something that I
hadn’t thought of in my speech that you
could help me fill in so do that in the
comments below would you would you if
you can think back to when you first
started and oh it’s so much different
now let me know in the comments below
and I’ll try to work it into my
presentation if I can and I thank you so
much for supporting me in this so
comments below on vo heroes com if you
want to join my list and know when these
videos are coming out there’s a box
below the comments box that says get on
the list and if you fill out the form
you’ll get on the list
I’d love to have you I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching I’ll see you at wove oak on
6 the 9th 18th 19th and 20th of october
in las vegas nevada everybody and I
thank you so much for watching and I’ll
talk to you tomorrow.
Thank you David! I’ll see you there!
Hooky + quite ingenious presentation option! (I wish I could be there.) But in reference to your question? I wish I really understood I had to be a business first, before being a voice first. The VO marketing aspect of the profession was lost on me, to start.