Sooner Or Later, I’m Really Going To Tick You Off

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash
Hey there!
I get a lot of support and a very small amount of pushback on what I say in these videos.
And most people seem to appreciate the fact that I try really hard to think through the issues and challenges I talk about (and try to help you solve) before I share with you my take on things.
But sooner or later, you and I? We’re going to have a parting of the ways.
It’s inevitable.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and I want to take a moment to thank you
for something that I talked about at the
end of every one of these videos so far
we’re about I don’t know a third of the
way through maybe a little bit more than
a third of the way through all of the
videos and one of the things that I’ve
noticed is that people are being
respectful of each other they’re being
respectful of me I get a lot of nods of
heads in agreement on what I say in
these videos a lot of hey that was
really cool I didn’t know that and I do
get occasional pushback but I am ready
and prepared for the inevitable moment
when I really piss you off I really you
know just make you angry about something
that I’ve said it’s gonna happen it’s
inevitable in any relationship it’s
inevitable on teams in Bill in in
business it’s inevitable in families
it’s inevitable in personal
relationships romantic relationships
it’s inevitable between suppliers and
manufacturers it’s just it’s part of
life and you know you’re doing great
when you’re able to have discussions
about it and agree to disagree you know
some people don’t like that phrase they
feel like if you do that you’re giving
up you’re like saying okay I don’t have
any arguments that are gonna matter to
you anymore so we’re just gonna agree to
disagree but the truth of the matter is
that’s a really strong and powerful
thing to do you know earlier this year I
got some pushback from some people about
a position that I took regarding a
weatherman in Rochester New York and I I
get that you disagreed with me um I have
no desire whatsoever to change my
position but I am certainly open to
listening to how you feel and what you
think that whole approach of here’s how
I feel here’s my fact here’s why I feel
the way I do here’s what I think this
means and you having a different
on that and then us both deciding we’re
just going to agree to disagree you have
your way of doing things I have my way
of doing things that’s actually a very
powerful and very strong thing to do
because what it means is you’re you’re
respectful of one another and you have
an open mind about the issue it means
that you listened to what each other had
to say and when I look at the comments
that you guys are leaving on these
videos and that you’re leaving on the
blog posts that I put up times when I
make very clear that I have a strong
position on something I just know I know
from personal experience I mean there
are people that I love watching I love
as a as a personal note I love watching
Real Time with Bill Maher I too am a
libertarian I too AM atheistic and and
Objectivist and you know I find some of
the things that he says to be
maddeningly wrong but it’s just a matter
of time before everybody has inevitable
conflicts it’s just part of life and so
instead of it ruining a relationship
what you guys have shown me is that it’s
a part of a relationship and it makes me
just really happy that I’m able to have
that kind of relationship with you so I
wanted to thank you for that and I also
wanted to sort of you know not warn you
in a negative way but just warn you so
that you know sooner or later I’m gonna
say something or do something that’s
really gonna make you mad and I don’t
mean to hurt you I don’t mean to make
you upset I certainly don’t mean to come
off as mean or you know heartless or
disinterested or it’s just we have a
difference of opinion and if we can all
recognize that boy isn’t that different
from a lot of the public discourse that
we’ve been hearing lately it is and so
again thank you so much I appreciate it
if you’ve got something you’d like to
say about this ticking you off or not
ticking you off leave me a comment below
let me know if you’d like to subscribe
to my youtube channel and here when
these incredibly divisive
videos are being released well go ahead
and click on my face there if you don’t
see my face there look for a subscribe
button somewhere below the video if you
want to see the very latest video I’ve
done go ahead and click on that frame
there and YouTube will play it for you
I’m David H Lawrence the 17th I thank
you so much for listening and watching
and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
I appreciate you so very much, David, and can’t imagine being upset by anything you might say!
So honored and grateful for the chance to be one of your students!
It was interesting seeing a conversation thread today where someone said something opinionated and it drew down a barrage of bile from one person. People often don’t confront friends or colleagues because they value that relationship. In the Information Age, it seems that some people will gladly fire both barrels at someone they don’t know and feel pretty darn good about it.
Mature, emotionally intelligent people can live with the fact that not everyone in the world will be exactly the way they want others to be. So far I haven’t disagreed with anything you’ve said…and yet at the same time I *have* tried some other things that don’t always line up with your teachings.
The interesting thing is that most of the time I end up coming back to the conclusion that the stuff you teach makes sense.
The stuff you feel or say, well, if I ever don’t agree with it, I can wear grown-up pants and not feel the need to take all my toys and go home. 🙂
This may be completely off thread but –
According to ARI, Ayn Rand Institute, Objectivists don’t trust or like Libertarianism (because it’s lacking clear principles). Don’t know if it’s mutual. I still think you can be both in some circumstances.
By the way, Mark Pelligrino, who plays Lucifer on “Supernatural,” is speaking on cinematic art at OCON in August this year. I’m going just to see him, not just because I am a fan but because he is starting a new political party, the American Capitalist Party. Just what we need now, a third party based on free enterprise. Exciting.