Rounding Yourself Out: Good Idea, Or Not So Much?

Hey there, hero!
To piggyback on the video I released recently about taking the StrengthsFinder online assessment, I have a question: do you think it’s a good idea to spend time and energy increasing your proficiency in things lower on your Strengths list?
Or is it better to just stay in your lane, and concentrate on doing well things that you’re good at?
I have an opinion on that that I think might be useful.
Just a reminder that AMA II, Electric Boogaloo is in a few days, so ask me anything, in the comments, via email or however you like.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the seventeenth and today I
want to talk to you about the concept of
rounding yourself out this to me was a
revelation when it was presented to me a
few years ago because I’d always been
kind of raised with the idea that as you
grow older you should expand your
abilities you should expand the breadth
and the depth of your abilities and you
should get better and better at many
things and it’s an admirable situation
to be tech savvy and know foreign
languages and be handy around the house
but then just Italian with what I said
the other day about about Betsy it was
presented to me that it is better to
maximize your strengths then try to
raise all of the things that you may not
be so good at to the level where you’re
excellent at them trying to again round
yourself out it’s always better to play
to your strengths and so my question to
you is do you play to your strengths we
touched on this briefly in the video
about strengths finders but it’s a
concept that is hard especially for
performers because again we’re often
presented with the idea that you should
be versatile you should be agile you
should be able to play yourself you
should be able to play yourself as a
younger person you should be able to
play a different race and a different
age group you should be able to play a
children a child you know you should be
able to play all these things and you
should be able to say yes whenever
somebody says hey can you do this sure I
can do that four-year-old asian boy girl
of course I can do you know you can’t do
everything and when given the choice
between taking advantage of what you
really good at taking advantage of what
you’re strong at and really keeping that
polished and keeping that up to up to
world-class standards and not
necessarily paying attention to the
things that you know you’re not all that
good at and you’re not all that
interested in but there’s that nagging
voice behind you that saying hey you
know round yourself out so my advice and
it’s advice that was given to me by
Betsy and by others is concentrate on
the things that you’re really awesome at
you know occasionally you know and I do
this all the time just to keep it
interesting I push outside my comfort
zone and I look at things and sometimes
you discover that you really love
something that you didn’t think you
would or you’re really very good at
something that you weren’t possibly
going to be good at at all right but for
the most part when you figure out
something isn’t in your wheelhouse it’s
a good idea to say okay I’m gonna put my
attention on the things that are does
that make sense to you does that help I
wonder if that goes against the grain of
what you’ve been taught as you developed
your career as a performer or whatever
you do if you’re an attorney or a
dentist or I don’t know let me know in
the comments below would you I’d love to
know if that’s something that that makes
sense to you and that is something
you’ve considered in the past just give
me your comments on that you want to be
on my list and know when these videos
come out we get the challenge going we
do have the challenge going and that
challenge is a new video every day for
the year and working with Adrian
Salsbury and the pro video Academy we’re
gonna be making some changes to the to
the set here soon I’m excited about that
but if you wanted to be on the list and
no one that’s gonna happen there’s a box
down below if you’re watching on vo
heroes com get on the list go ahead fill
that out be on my list I’d love to have
you I’m David H Lawrence 17th I thank
you so much for watching and I will talk
to you tomorrow.
I think you are spot on. So many times we get caught up in trying to
improve everything, rather than focusing on making our main strength
better. Yes if you see an outcome for improving the weaker go for it. However,
I think if we just let the weakness flow their course the strengths will supplement
the weakness and grow them as well.
I do enjoy your messages, don’t always reply but they are part of my daily thought
process. Thank you
The people we can’t keep repetitively saying no to is our agents. If they send us auditions to record on MP3’s how do we keep saying no to our weaknesses before they stop wanting to take chances on us or sending us anymore auditions. I have booked some that I never thought I’d get and didn’t book some I was certain I would. So how do you ever know?
I think you might be conflating “weaknesses” with “roles I don’t believe I’d be good at.” That’s not what I meant. I rarely say no to an audition, and when I do it’s because it’s physically uncomfortable (yelling, stunts, etc) or the production performance dates are not open for me. I’d reframe things so that “challenging roles” are not thought of as “weaknesses”.
I like this idea. One of the people I have a black belt under is an undefeated, full contact, middle weight kickboxer from the 70s who only trained his left leg. He thought that everything he could have done to train his right leg was effort that he should have put into his left leg. He was undefeated and went by the name Superfoot, so I guess what he did worked out pretty well. Thanks for the video David.
I fully agree ‘play to your strengths’. Not to say you should not try and learn new things. However, if you try to be a good in all, you will be a master of none. It is ok to have a niche. It is your niche that others will come to you for. Then you can show them that you can do more. But if you do not get the first notice, you will never be noticed!