Quantity Does Not Usually Equal Quality

Photo by Nihal Demirci on Unsplash
Hey there!
I was coaching a peer in how to offer appropriate feedback when teaching performers, and we discussed her penchant for “diving deep.”
What can happen when you try to super-size your product or service offering is two-fold: it can cause severe fatigue and impact retention, and it can begin to undermine your ability to lead a client to “fish” as opposed to “catching fish” for them.
Here’s what I mean by that.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
I just got back from a dinner meeting
we’re on my way to and on my way back I
had a chance to have a conversation with
a peer of mine about coaching clients
and how to handle a situation where
you’ve got a lot of clients and you want
to give them all a deep dive in the
coaching it just makes your coaching
session when it’s a public coaching
session lasts for hours and hours and
hours we looked at how this particular
coach enjoys coaching clients and it’s
clear that a deep dive is something that
feels right that feels like not skimming
the top of the water that feels like
giving the client their money’s worth
and this particular coach can’t imagine
doing it any other way
and as I discuss this we kind of talked
about the idea that when you’re giving
people information when you’re giving
people feedback when you’re giving
people potential solutions new ways of
looking at things if you go really deep
so deep and so wide and so involved and
detailed where you feel like you’re
giving a great value for your time you
can be shooting yourself in the foot
because you you can cause fatigue
especially in a public coaching
situation because it’s not just the
person being coached but it’s also all
the other people that are watching and
listening and trying to learn from the
coaching of the other people involved in
the workshop I mean half the joy of me
holding workshops in the vo2 gogo
program is not just the person who’s
being coached but all of the people who
are witnessing the coaching
and learning from what they do well what
they could do better the feedback that I
give them and how that applies to
everybody’s individual pursuit of
performance and voiceover but if you
over share if you really go crazy and
give way too much stuff you can cause
fatigue and when you cause fatigue that
impacts retention it impacts how much
people retain of what you’re saying so
it can actually work against you you
know and everybody’s been to a
smorgasbord or a buffet and Vegas or
whatever and you know it’s great when
you’ve got all you can eat for a certain
price and you know people tend to
overeat in situations like that I’ll
take as much crab and lobster as they
have on the plate yes sir
but what happens is that tends to
fatigue your ability to enjoy the
portions and the types of food and and
it just changes everything about the
equation of value for product and it can
also begin to undermine your ability to
teach a client how to fish rather than
fish for them so you know get we’ve
talked about coaching versus consulting
and I feel like I’m much more of a
consultant than a coach because I can’t
help myself I can’t I can’t be one of
these people who says so
what do you think what do you think is
the reason there I mean I do every so
often ask especially when I’m coaching
people on different takes how did that
feel what what did you notice
differently about that
what did you notice that maybe you did
better or worse about that particular
take and which would you rather have a
casting director to here those are some
of my favorite questions but that
involves sort of leading someone to the
answer and giving them the ability to
suss these things out themselves no
matter what it is that you’re teaching
them or coaching them how to do as
opposed to solely saying here’s what to
do here’s the solution here’s here’s the
I’m not gonna show you how to fish I’m
gonna show you I’m gonna show you the
fish I got for you so we can start to
impact that as well because if you’ve
got so many details and so much deep
diving you know on our coaching staff
we’ve got people on vo2 Go Go’s coaching
staff some of whom do things on a
lighter scale and some of whom just love
the deep dive and the danger there is
this whole fatigue thing and the impact
of things so as we discussed it it
became clear that you know one of the
things that this coach and believe me
it’s not just this coach it’s everybody
there’s this issue of leveling Betsey
talks to me about it all the time I get
really excited about something and I
talked about it incessantly and I give
all the details and I want her to have
all the background and she’s like honey
leveling level it make it easier for me
to understand so even though you know it
seems logical that the more you give
somebody of your product or service of
your you know your time your effort the
better it’s not always the case give
people what they need give people
what helps them best it’s not giving
them short shrift it’s not giving them
too little but it’s also not giving them
too much and over time you can with
experience and feedback from your
clients and from your your peers figure
out what is appropriate for you right so
I wonder if this is something that
you’ve dealt with I wonder if there are
people in your life that have said at
not so much not so many details or are
you on the opposite end of the scale
we’re people like what are you talking
about give me give me more on that I
don’t know what you’re saying here what
what’s missing from this whole thing
right let me know in the comments below
if you’re watching this anywhere but on
vo2 go go comm go to vo2 go go calm
because we have all kinds of great tools
for you and we have a sane and
reasonable and polite conversation going
on with all these videos if you want to
subscribe to my youtube channel and be
notified when each one of these videos
out we’re doing one a day for the year
that’s my challenge go ahead look for my
face click on it if it’s not there look
for a subscribe button somewhere below
this video if you want to see the latest
episode I’ve done click on that frame
there and YouTube will play it for you
I’m David H Lawrence xvii I thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
One problem I, as someone who worked in education at the elementary level, notice is that much of the “adult” education, such as VO classes, investment classes, health and nutrition classes, etc. available on the internet or in live one or two day seminars, is that it is a very large load of information over little time and very little followthrough or practice. When you teach a child math or phonics, you don’t just dump a ton of info and then expect them to retain it. You teach and then repeat and give homework for practice and maybe have educational games and videos that teach the same skills and have a short term quiz and long term exam. Depending on the subject and level of students you might have exercises that use the taught skill in the real world. Adult ed seems to leave all the followthrough on the student, because they are adults. This might work in some cases but it is difficult. Many people go to workshops and seminars for a day or two and expect to be turned into a real estate tycoon or online marketing wiz. But with such high level skills it is hard to know what to do next even with handouts and DVD recordings (which are not always available). VO2gogo does about as good a job as I have seen with followthrough because of the pacing of classes, quizzes and workout sessions and videos such as this. Still it is not like a live class over time, as in school or college.
It’s the story teller in me that wants to over explain. Why use three words when a hundred and three are som much more entertaining? Good stuff, David. Thanks