MOO “Networking For People Who Hate Networking” Tip #2: Remembering Names

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Hey there, hero!, where I get my business cards and other printed material, created a post about “networking for people who hate networking” and it was just filled with great stuff.
Because in-person networking is part of what we do as performers, I decided to share some of those little golden nuggets with you over the next few videos.
Today’s has to do with remembering someone’s name. Can’t do it? This video might help.
Link to MOO stuff:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there everybody it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and I want to continue
with this series of really great tips on
networking for performers this came from
an article that was written by mu which
is the company I buy my business cards
from and my other corporate printed
materials postcards and stickers and
things like that I love mu love the MU
cards I got a link for mu below the
video the second tip is one that’s kind
of near and dear to my heart because I
have a problem remembering people’s
names and yet I am pretty militant about
making sure that people call me David
and not Dave or Davey or I guess that’s
all there are
in terms of variants but if you’ve got a
problem remembering people’s names I’ve
got some tips for you they’ve helped me
and I think they might help you when you
go to an event and you meet new people
we get kind of anxious about the fact
that they’re giving us their names do we
remember them what do we call them we
meet them and then two seconds later we
don’t remember their name and here’s a
couple of tips that you can use to help
you do that they’ve helped me one is
meet and greet meet and repeat and then
repeat again so you meet somebody you
greet them you ask then their name and
then you repeat their name right but
here’s the here’s the thing that’ll help
you but what will really help you is if
you repeat it again in a sentence that
says okay so Bob you know what do you do
or what do you hope to get out of this
event or using their name in the
sentence so meet and repeat and repeat
again that second repeating really helps
to solidify it because you’re saying it
you’re making a habit of it and here’s
one thing that’s kind of a hidden thing
I sometimes I’ll say how do you spell
that and if it’s Bob obviously you don’t
want to say it Bo B can you spell that
you know you don’t want to ask then but
if it’s something that’s a little out of
the ordinary or something that’s
multiple syllables or something that’s
you know got a national feel to it like
from a foreign country but here’s the
other thing that I do that I think is is
really kind of kind of sneaky but it
works and that is when somebody said
when I say what’s your name and they say
oh my name is Bob and like Oh Bob you
prefer Bob or do you care you’re like
Robert or robbed or Robbie when you ask
that you’re doing two things number one
you’re reinforcing their name they like
Bob okay Bob got it and number two you
are saying variants of it in a way that
you can rule out what they don’t like
what they don’t prefer like when
somebody says to me Oh how’s Dave right
now I prefer David thank you very much
but it’s that moment when you can really
isolate their name and it all of this
stuff helps because as you continue the
conversation if every so often not every
time I’ve seen people do this where they
say the person’s name every time well
yes David oh okay
all right I get that you’re trying to
memorize my name but you know you’re
making it obvious and it’s kind of like
every so often repeat their name and
there’s a reason for this Dale Carnegie
wrote a great book called how to win
friends and influence people I’m sure
you’ve heard of it but he says in that
book a person’s name to that person is
the sweetest most important sound in any
language and think about it when
somebody says your name and you’re able
to go yes can I help you
what’s up going on hey what’s happening
it it’s great when and especially when
people remember your name and if you can
do this if you can just put those two
tips into play you’ll be able to
remember their name not only then but
also later on at the party when you come
back around and you see them for say hey
how’s it going Bob and at other events
that you’ll see them at so I hope this
helps these are some great tips I’ve got
a few more coming up for you in upcoming
videos and the fact is is that we as
performers are constantly meeting and
greeting people we do red carpets and we
do auditions and we do cattle calls and
we do open calls and we do callbacks
and we do set work and we do table reads
we do all kinds of things where we’re
meeting people not to mention those
events where we’re just networking to
gain leads to find new people to include
in our sphere of influence and things
like that so I hope they’re helping you
if you’d like to be on my list and get
notified when these videos come out
they’re coming out every day what the
new video is there’s a box below this
video that says get on the list go ahead
and get on the list
and also if you want to be yeah that’s
it just get on the list I don’t need to
tell you anything more than that oh if
you want to comment on what I’ve said if
you’ve got a tip or a trick for
remembering people’s names I’d love to
know what it is especially if it’s one
of those things that doesn’t call
attention to itself you know tell me in
the comments below or tell me if like
you just have a facility for you know
for remembering names and what your
secret is I’d love to know what that is
I’m David H Lawrence xvii thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
Nice. This is very helpful. Its easy to be thinking about myself or what I am going to talk about with someone new that I am not paying attention when they say their name! Best moments where I do remember, are because I make good eye contact and focus on them completely. I then associate something about them with their name, giving them a sort of nickname in my mind to trigger my memory of who they are. This has been helpful if I forget. I just recall the nickname.
Plus, you’re a joy to have a conversation with, so it’s a lot easier for the person you’re talking too!
Thanks David! Same to you!
Must I tell you again to get out of my head?
I am terrible at remembering names. So thank you for these tips. If I get someone’s card, I discretely write notes on the back of it so I don’t forget important information about the person. When I get home, I put the business cards away in a holder after I have logged the information into my contact list and on index cards.
I really like your suggestions and I will give them a try! Thanks for all your help.