MOO “Networking For People Who Hate Networking” Tip #2: Remembering Names

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Hey there, hero!, where I get my business cards and other printed material, created a post about “networking for people who hate networking” and it was just filled with great stuff.

Because in-person networking is part of what we do as performers, I decided to share some of those little golden nuggets with you over the next few videos.

Today’s has to do with remembering someone’s name. Can’t do it? This video might help.

Link to MOO stuff:

Hope this helps!



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  1. Nice. This is very helpful. Its easy to be thinking about myself or what I am going to talk about with someone new that I am not paying attention when they say their name! Best moments where I do remember, are because I make good eye contact and focus on them completely. I then associate something about them with their name, giving them a sort of nickname in my mind to trigger my memory of who they are. This has been helpful if I forget. I just recall the nickname.

  2. David,

    Must I tell you again to get out of my head?

    I am terrible at remembering names. So thank you for these tips. If I get someone’s card, I discretely write notes on the back of it so I don’t forget important information about the person. When I get home, I put the business cards away in a holder after I have logged the information into my contact list and on index cards.

    I really like your suggestions and I will give them a try! Thanks for all your help.
