Make It Your Goal To Help Your Clients Do This One Lovely Thing

Photo by Jason Appleton from Pexels

Hey there, hero!
When we look at providing excellent service to our clients, the barrier to entry is just like a doctor’s:
First, Do No Harm.
And in our case, it has to do with our client’s…faces.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence the
17th and I want to share with you the
most basic goal that I have when I’m
dealing with clients and this applies
whether you’re a performer or you’re an
attorney or you’re a doctor or you’re a
plumber it doesn’t matter what you do
and I heard this phrase and I just
laughed out loud I was I was watching oh
I was watching country music which was a
PBS series this past summer into the
fall narrated by my good friend and
rehearsal pro user Peter Coyote who’s
just an amazing narrator he’s just an
amazing narrator and when he said this
phrase it just made me chuckle because
he’s got such a patrician approach to
his narration very precise and
everything when he said this phrase I
just I just burst out into in the
laughter so what he was talking about
was how people that were in the
beginning days of country music really
just wanted to make their listeners
happy they just wanted to make them care
a little bit less about the troubles of
their day shed the pressures that they
had to make a buck and to support their
families and to keep their relationships
going all that stuff and when he said
this I realized it’s exactly what we
should try to do from the very moment we
begin to work with a client and what he
said was all they were trying to do was
just to help their listeners get rid of
their ugly face and to me that was like
boom first it was really funny but then
it’s like when people are looking for
the services that we provide they’re
looking in a space that most people
don’t know all that well you know if
you’re an advertiser and you’re on one
of the one of the pay-to-play sites as
some people refer to voice one two three
and bid all go in places like that and
you’ve bypassed the whole structure of a
casting director and an agency and a
producer and a studio and you just want
to go direct to us the talent you’re in
uncharted territory you don’t know how
the business works all you want is the
commercials done for your windshield
repair service or whatever it is that
you do right and if you’re not a
performer even other areas you know
laymen are called laymen for a reason
they don’t understand how doctors work
they have some preconceived notions they
don’t understand how lawyers work they
have some preconceived notions they
don’t understand how plumbers work again
they have some preconceived notions and
so they’re trepidatious they’re
concerned they’re a little bit cautious
right and they have that that look on
their face that you know isn’t all that
pretty it’s kind of an ugly face right
and I realized that it makes all the
sense in the world to just have as our
basic goal helping your client go from
worried to just happy you know just
satisfied and relaxed and feeling safe
right that ugly face just dissolves when
you feel safe when you don’t feel
cautious anymore when you feel like
you’re being taken care of again by
whoever you’re hiring to do whatever but
in our case in particular we sometimes
kind of blow right by that you know it’s
like I’m an artist so I have to do
really good art work what you really
have to do when you’re a commercial
artist is you have to do that art work
on behalf of the story and your client
is that’s it’s their story that you’re
telling and so helping them get rid of
their ugly face is your main goal and
when I thought about that I felt like
putting a big billboard up here in the
studio saying help your client get rid
of their ugly face and I dare you to do
it I dare you to make this a centerpiece
of how you approach your work how can I
make my clients safe feel safe feel like
they’re being taken care of be confident
in me how can I help them get rid
of their ugly face now maybe you have
another way of putting that and I would
love to know in the comments below let
me know what you think about that phrase
let me know if there’s a version of it
that you use in your life as you
approach how you deal with your clients
I’d love to know it’s certainly
something that I do when I approach with
my students I want my students to like
go from going how do I do all this and
having the ugly face – I got this this
is gonna be fun
I’m looking forward to this I feel so
much better yeah yeah it’s my goal when
I do private coaching as well in fact
I’ve noticed since I’ve heard that
phrase and I’ve done a couple of
coaching sessions I’ve noticed how when
I see my clients faces relax from the
I’m concerned look to the oh okay all
right that makes me feel really really
happy so leave me a comment below let me
know what you think about this if you
want to join the list and get to know
when these videos are gonna come out
what they’re all about even below the
comments there’s another box called get
on the list fill that out be a be on the
list I’d love to have you I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you
This video brought a smile to my face. I like the idea also of looking for ways to assure my client that I am just as committed to their project as they are. I am not a hired gun, I’m part of their posse! Lol. I don’t literally use those phrases, but you know what I mean. I have found that whether I am dealing with a location or a client for acting, if I can make that connection with them, we have trust that’s been built. Any concerns are laid to rest because they can hear and see that I am not just there to do my job, I am temporarily on their staff to accomplish their teams job. And that is an awesome way to work to me.