Lightbulb Moment: Your Destination Versus Your Journey

Hey there, hero!
I follow Steve Kamb of like nobody’s business. He’s so smart and so insightful.
And he’s a really great guy, who has lifehacking as one of his priorities.
And an off the cuff comment he made in his newsletter this week hit me hard.
It was a lightbulb moment. And maybe it will be useful to you.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th just had this light
bulb moment that I wanted to share with
you you guys may be familiar with a good
friend of mine Steve cam who has a great
website called nerd fitness com where
he’s combined the idea of physical
fitness with a traditionally pretty
sedentary segment of the population
gamers he applies the language and the
memes and the processes and the
familiarity of concepts in gaming to
becoming fit badges and leveling and you
know being in in groups like hordes and
and and having quests and it’s just
great nerd Fitness comm go check it out
but he puts out a newsletter every week
and he’s one of the best guys I know
about inching towards a more productive
and satisfying life and one of the
things that he mentioned just casually
in this week’s newsletter really like
turned on a light bulb for me and that
was the way he has decided to look at
improvements in his life not about
getting to the destination but enjoying
the journey and this sounds like a very
big sort of amorphous thing but you can
break it down to one little useful chunk
of knowledge and that is instead of
trying to always come up with what’s
gonna be the big breakthrough what’s
gonna be the huge shift in my life
that’s gonna get me to my destination as
quickly as possible so I can enjoy life
at the destiny how about a small change
an achievable change a little tiny
adjustment a little thing that you can
do no matter what it is it could be
physical it could be mental it could be
emotional it could be a tool that you
use it could be a process that you
altered just a little bit shift just a
little bit if you
can get as much joy out of those little
tiny efforts whether they work or they
don’t work you’ll learn something right
and if they do work great that means
you’re that much better that means your
journey is that much more enjoyable if
they don’t work you’ll learn that that’s
the case and you can figure out why to
me especially when you’re getting
started and maybe you’re in the first I
don’t know three quarters of the way to
where you want to go reminding yourself
that you’re always gonna want to go
further once you get to that destination
which is why he doesn’t really pay much
attention to it because the destination
keeps changing the level that you’re
seeking keeps changing but the journey
if you can make the journey fun if you
can make the journey satisfying and
enjoyable and you know this whole idea
of I got to make that big breakthrough
takes an awful lot more effort then I
just need to tweak this a little bit so
think about that for a moment wouldn’t
it be a lot easier and a lot more joyful
and a series of joyful moments if you
did a whole bunch of little tiny
adjustments that made your journey
better and got you to your destination
then worrying so much about getting
there right now look I get it life is
short but for me that’s been kind of my
watchword and Steve kind of put it into
words for me that’s kind of been my
approach this year
little tiny incremental changes that
make things better and it feels so much
but tell me what you think about this am
I just like crazy I I think I’m onto
something here it was really like there
was this moment where it’s like oh right
yes I get it yes okay great so tell me
what you think this makes sense to you
let me know in the comments below this
video especially if you’re on vo heroes
com and if you’re not on my list yet you
want to be on the list get on the list
well tell you about these videos when
they come out just slide all the way
down to the bottom of the page and fill
out the form and confirm and you’ll be
on the list that’s how it works I’m
David H Lawrence the 17th I thank you so
much for watching
I will talk to you tomorrow.
I learned about this a long time ago in an acting class. I’ve been on a very long journey as a music educator/singer/choral director, theatre educator/actor/voice actor, bartender/server, pet sitter, and finally ESL educator. I enjoyed learning and doing all of it most of the time. The hard days were extremely difficult. The best days were fantastic. This is my journey. It’s different and unique. Would I recommend this journey? (pause). However, my destination is right now in the present (joy).
Great advice! I’m going to try and put this into practice regarding a variety of subjects.