I Have Another Tribe That I’m So Glad I Found

Hey there, hero!
I look at you and am so happy you’ve decided to be in my tribe, and allow me to help you with your performing career, both on-mic and on-camera.
Really, nothing compares with the success of my tribe members.
And I’m a member of another tribe, one that helps me be successful as well.
And it does one other very valuable thing.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence the
17th and I love the fact that you watch
these videos that you get something from
them some sort of value if I’m able to
help you it makes me so happy and I have
that feeling as well because although
I’m kind of the elder of this tribe I’m
in another tribe that’s very very big
very very important in my life
and I get to have that same feeling of
being supported and being helped and
being led to a higher level of success
so the tribe is called PLF product
launch formula it’s run by a guy by the
name of Jeff Walker and Jeff and I have
actually been friends since before PLF
was a thing I’ve known Jeff for 20 years
or more something like that we’ve been
in masterminds together and before he
did this PLF thing he was an online
marketer of stock trading tips a
newsletter on how to work the stock
exchange and at some point in time he
wanted to market his services to
investors and to people who trade stocks
and he wanted to do it in a way and this
is the big thing that he created he
wanted to do it in a way where he didn’t
have to feel like taking a shower after
every marketing effort you ever noticed
how sometimes we get the feeling when
we’re selling things to other people
whether it’s our services or some
product or something like that that we
kind of feel dirty we kind of feel
squirrely I want to kind of want to take
a shower and he came up with a way to
take products that were online or
physical products and create a situation
where people didn’t feel like they were
being dragged
into a transaction that they really felt
like they knew who the person was that
was sharing information with them on a
regular basis trusted them found that
they had Authority and found them to be
authentic and so when they offered their
services it was unnatural progression if
that’s what they needed sound familiar
this became a product called product
launch formula and you’ve seen it all
over the web and I feel really really
fortunate that I knew Jeff when it was
first starting off and now after 15 or
so years of using product launch formula
you see me using it all the time and
there’s a live event coming up here
shortly where I’m going to be attending
and I get to be in that world for about
four days I get to see people that I
only talked to online for the most part
or on the phone in person and I get to
talk to them about the technology of
marketing I get to talk to them about
the mindset of marketing the
construction of serving your avatar and
serving is the big thing that sets
product launch formula apart from all of
this kind of skeezy marketing techniques
that you see on the web when I put
together a release of registration for
save vo heroes or the a CX masterclass I
follow the product launch formula method
and I do so with the support of all
these other thousands of tribe members
in the product launch formula family and
I’m constantly amazed at how good I feel
rather than how kind of creepy I feel or
could feel if I didn’t approach the way
I market my products to you guys to the
world if I followed somebody else’s
thoughts and ideas and plans so I love
being in that tribe and I not only learn
things about marketing and Technology
and the human condition and how to serve
people and what people need and and how
to help them be successful but those
same lessons are the lessons that I
apply when I’m serving you when I’m
helping you understand everything from
how your microphone works to how a
camera picks you up to what to do with
your hands when you’re on camera to your
mindset to how the business works
waving you off of things that don’t
work all of these things in one way
shape or form came from what I’ve
learned from Jeff and PLF and so I
really love that tribe I’m not cheating
on you I’m a member of that tribe I’ve
been in it for a while so there are some
people who look to me for advice and and
and help when it comes to using PLF and
and other types of things like online
marketing and so on but what I really
love is the idea that that tribe puts
service first service to each other and
service to all of the millions of
clients that people who use PLF serve
every day and are part of their
individual tribes and Jeff makes videos
like this once a week and if you go to
Jeff Walker comm or product launch
formula com either one you can sign up
for them and you can see just how
aligned he and I are in our approach and
much of what I have come to find as
being useful and helpful and positive
comes from what I’ve learned from him
and from being in that tribe so my my
goal in making this video was to say to
you first of all I’m thrilled that
you’re in my tribe I’m thrilled if I’m
able to help you and I also wonder what
other tribes you’re in because not
everybody does voice over and on camera
performing all day long or marketing all
day long they have many many other
interests you know I’ve got doctors
law enforcement people and IT people and
stay-at-home moms and dads and I’ve got
like literally people from every walk of
life and all of them have other things
that are important to them that are
valuable to them that they seek
community with and they seek help with
and I’m wondering what those are for you
I really do wonder what those are for
you let me know in the comments below
what are the things that you do other
than voiceover other than performing on
camera what are the things that really
float your boat let me know in the
comments below if you want to be on my
list and get to get to know when these
videos come out they’re coming out every
day for the rest of the year but what
they are and and what the titles are
what the subject matter is get on the
list go down to the bottom of this this
page and fill out the form and get on
the list and we’ll be happy to to take
care of that and let you know when these
things are happening I really appreciate
you watching I’m David H Lawrence xvii I
will talk to you tomorrow .
I trade stocks and options, and am in Courtney Smith’s “Wealthbuilder” tribe. I am still trying to get the hang of trading, I confess.
I think I am in Ari Whittam’s “EnergyBlueprint” tribe. At least I have taken many classes and webinars recommended by him.
I also run an environmental nonprofit. We are rebranding the organization with a new name, new site, and lots of new programs so this is great timing.