I Believe We Can All Do Better. And I Want To Help.

Hey there!

So…I did say I’d think about it, and, well…I have.

I’ve spent the week rolling ideas around in my head…

…about how to help us all destroy the limiting beliefs that stop us cold in our quest for success, and replace them with enabling beliefs that help us become the amazing artists we were all meant to be.

And I’ve come up with a plan. It’s a doozy.

But my agents and manager? They are going to be soooooo pissed off.


A few days ago, I published a piece on how facts, like finding out what mic to use, and what software to edit with and what to put in a cover letter to a potential agent, are great.

And getting those facts right is important, and very useful.

But the real key to being successful as a performer is getting your beliefs right. See, the things we believe can make us or break us. They can help us, or hurt us.

How can you tell the difference between a limiting belief, one that hurts, and an enabling belief, one that helps? And how can you fix things in your belief system?

It’s a process. You need to:

– really test the limiting belief,
– see if it’s really true,
– understand the payoff you get from believing that,
– decide you want a change in your beliefs,
– construct a replacement belief,
– check to see if that’s really true,
– understand the resulting payoff you’ll get from that,
– and create action items that will help that new enabling belief “stick.”


So the idea I’ve come up with is to help you make that process more easy. More familiar. More useful.

(And to be honest, it’s not just for performers – everyone, in every walk of life, has limiting beliefs that prevent them from getting where they want to go. Feel free to share what I’m about to tell you with absolutely anyone.)

OK. I’m going to go all out for you. This is going to be powerful.

Here’s what I’ve decided to do:

  • I’m going to go online, every day, for 21 days in a row, with a live Zoom video webinar that I want as many people as possible to attend.
  • Each of those days, I’m going to take 30 minutes of your time at 10:00 AM PT, to identify one limiting belief many of us have…and then destroy it.
  • I’m going to test it, see what the payoffs are for you, and then ask if you want to change that belief.
  • If I get your collective OK…I’m going to help you construct a replacement belief, an enabling belief.
  • I’ll help test that, and see what the payoffs will be.
  • Finally, I’ll help create concrete action steps that will help make that new belief stick.

It’ll kickoff on August 31, and go through September 20th.

Now…21 days in a row means I’m going to make this my life’s work for those 21 days. I’m booking out with my theatrical agent, my commercial agent, my voice over agent, my convention agent, my manager…all to work on this with you.

(That’s why they are going to be soooooo pissed. But they’ll understand when they see the results.)

See…I think this is really, really important. So I’m not going to audition for anything or book anything for those 21 days. It may mean giving up really rewarding and awesome work…

…but I think working with you on your limiting beliefs will be just as rewarding and awesome, if not more.

I’m calling it Believe: A 21-Day Journey.

Now, if I had to think about it, I’d say you’re probably not going to be available for all 21 days. It would be great if you were, but I get that you have a life.

(I’m just trying to make that life better.)

So I’m taking care of you there: you’ll not only get access to all 21 days’ live sessions, you’ll also get the recordings: video, audio and chat logs.

See, I want you to chat with the other attendees, and with my coaches, who will be co-hosting with me. It’s not like middle school where you get in trouble if you chat.

So even if you can’t make it live, you’ll still get the benefit. Forever.

There will also be a worksheet you can download to personalize the process for yourself, and your own particular limiting beliefs.


…all told, there will be over 10 hours of coaching. At my rate of $350 an hour, that would be just over $3500.



I’ve priced it so I can pay my expenses, and so everyone, and I mean everyone, can join.

It’s just $90. For the whole thing. Everything. 21 live sessions, 21 videos, 21 audio recordings, 21 chat logs, and everything else that goes with it.

Just 90 bucks.

If you don’t think that changing just one of those limiting beliefs you have will make at least a $90 difference in your career, then please don’t join me.

But if that’s a no-brainer price, here’s the link to register:


I really want to help. And I think I have a path you can walk with me that will do just that.

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Let me know below.

Make a commitment. Join me for Believe 2018: A 21-Day Journey.

And I hope this helps.


PS…if you do decide to join me, you can get free private coaching with me, just for telling friends, family and colleagues about Believe. Details will be on your dashboard once you join.


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      1. I’ll do my best to attend the first session which is at 3 am (as you say) on Saturday morning for me. In regards to this overall topic. An old Aussie radio friend of mine who now lives in LA is Patrick Wanis PhD and he is a counsellor to the celebrities. http://www.patrickwanis.com …it was his birthday on Friday. He has a lot of interesting sessions on line.