Getting The Most Out Of Learning: Three Things To Not Say To Yourself

Hey there, hero!
Recently, I did a video that had three tips on what to do to get the most out of any training session.
I was reminded of another three statements you probably don’t want to make as you embark on a learning opportunity.
These come in very handy if you want to uplevel your knowledge.
Hope this helps!
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hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence the
17th and I recently attended a seminar
something that I went to to learn
specifically from and it was a big room
it’s about a thousand people and there
were lots and lots of presentations
going on a stage that was some distance
away from where I was sitting and right
in front of me was a gentleman who
refused to turn off his phone his phone
kept dinging and ringing and he actually
took a call during the session one of
the one of the people that was
administering the whole thing came over
to him and told him to turn his phone
off and he said no and the guy said what
do you mean no and he said I have an app
on this phone that won’t let me turn it
off it won’t let me turn it down it
won’t let me turn off the volume because
I work for a university and this app
makes sure that when my Provost messages
me I hear it because I need to know that
and the administrator said well you’re
gonna have to leave them because you
have to choose whether or not you want
to be here or be on call with your
Provost was it yeah and so he got really
bent out of shape and he left but it
reminded me of all these things that we
kind of prioritize when we’re presented
with an opportunity and in this case it
was a learning opportunity it was a
great learning opportunity it was one
that I had been looking forward to for
quite some time and the three things
that came to mind are the three things
that I have on the inside front page of
my notebook to remind myself as I begin
a training session or as I begin to
learn something or watch a presentation
or watch something online and these
statements are statements that you
really shouldn’t say to yourself should
and should and shouldn’t stay to yours
I’m actually I’m shooting all over you I
sure AM but these three statements
usually let you know
important the the session is that you’re
about to do so the three statements I
say to myself are number one I never I
don’t say to myself are I knew that like
when the presenter gives me something
that I already knew I go oh wow I knew
that because it kind of turns your brain
off and you don’t maybe hear the rest of
what he or she has to say and you never
know when there’s a twist
I love twists I love making statements
saying wait a minute is that really true
or here’s an adjustment on that that
might you know just click things into
place for you that are really cool so
try to avoid the statement I knew that
or I knew that all right the second one
is I disagree when you disagree with
something that the presenter says just
note that and acknowledge that you want
to listen more to what they have to say
when we have that knee-jerk reaction we
hear somebody say something and we know
it’s not true because we’ve heard or
we’ve researched or we have experience
or I firmly believe you know and I
disagree if you avoid saying I disagree
and you use the phrase that I gave you
in another video which is how do you
know that as opposed to I disagree I
disagree it’s kind of a door closer
right I disagree so I’m not listening
anymore and all of these things kind of
stop you from from getting the most of
the things but perhaps there might be a
few things that I don’t know and you
know it’s it’s happened so I tend to you
know avoid saying I disagree and instead
say huh I wonder how he or she knows
that and hopefully when they present
they tell you that and then the third
one and this is one that if you ask your
you say this and you really mean it then
you kind of have to ask yourself should
you be here anyway and this kind of ties
into what mr. I’m what the College
Provost’s beck-and-call had to say
that’s a very long German last name no
offense to my German viewers but that
that statement is
I need to have my email open or I need
to have my phone on I need to know
what’s going on for you as a performer
let me ask you this question would you
say that if you were going in for an
audition would you say that if you were
going in to work on set or on stage or
in a studio would you say oh I’m so
sorry I need to have my phone on no
those are really sacrosanct moments you
would never do that if you did you
should go find something else to do
because this is business isn’t for you
but then you have to ask yourself is
this training experience is this
learning experience as important to me
as going in for an audition going in to
do a job going into a studio or on stage
going on a first date you know things
that are really really important you
know I need to check my email that I I
was I was just flummoxed the people in
my row were just like looking at each
other going really I mean and this was
not inexpensive this event that I
attended it was $600 and I’m thinking to
myself man if his college sent him to
this they should know how much money
they wasted and and let’s say there was
an app that wouldn’t let you turn the
volume down I think that might be
something that Apple would reject but I
don’t know I’m just a an app developer
but think about that it’s like where why
would that be the case what what
position below the provost is so
important that they have to have their
phone on 24/7 or whatever anyway I don’t
know it’s it’s a it’s um it remains a
mystery to me anyway
what are your thoughts on this this
makes sense to you this is something
that maybe you can put to good use
let me know in the comments below this
video just scroll down you’ll see the
place where you can leave comments on
view arrows comm and if you like to get
on my mailing list to get them get on
the list I’d love to have you below the
comments area as a box you can fill in
and you’ll be on the list I’d love to be
able to tell you when these videos come
out I’m David H Lawrence the 17th I
thank you so much for watching and I
will talk to you tomorrow.
I don’t know if in fact that app on his phone keeps it from shutting off, but I do know that there are folks who have to have their phones on 24/7, including the manager at my Hideous Survival Job in the low end of retail, in case someone has a brainstorm in the middle of the night. That would drive me nuts. I shut my phone off after 10. If it’s an actual emergency, they can call my landline. I need my sleep.
Maybe if he had paid for the event out if his own pocket he would have been more appreciative of the value. Maybe not?
Very well said. So true in so many instances.
Your analogy with when we preform; brilliant right
to point. All the Best Chuck Jackson
David, Love the message. In keeping with your comment about the company paying for him to be there, I was teaching a six hour class recently to working adults who had been sent by their companies. One student had a sour look on his face from the very beginning. During a break I ran into him in the hall and said: “So, what do you think of the material today?” (in a very nice way). He was very angry and said the material I was teaching had NOTHING to do with his job. I asked him what he did. When he told me I was shocked. Almost EVERYTHING I was talking about related to his job. I guess I’d be mad too if my company sent me to something that was of no benefit but clearly they thought it did. What a waste of time and missed opportunity for him.
It saddened me a bit and reminded me that I NEVER want to miss out on learning something new. from people like you with more knowledge and experience than I. Thanks for your generosity.
I think you’ve mentioned before the value of being a sponge. Asking that question: “How do you know that?”. Brilliant David.