13207: “Every Thing Is Everything.” Wait, Wait…What?

Hey there, hero!

Sometimes, words come together to describe things that you don’t expect.

In a recent session with a coaching peer, she declared:

“Every thing is everything.”

I tried to process that, and she gave me some assistance.

What she meant was that as creatives, every thing we learn as performers in ANY category of work helps to build everything we do as actors and voice talent in ALL categories.

In other words, if you get better at something in one area, it’s going to help you be better at that thing in all areas.

Example: if you learn to control and influence your vocal volume on camera, you’ll be better at that vocal work on stage, and in the voice booth.

Another: if you learn to give yourself permission to be less forced and more casual with your lines in a commercial (because it serves the story), you’ll be able to pull off that same move in an audiobook or a video game.

(We build a whole course around this concept in VOHeroes Pro, called Mutual Muscles. It’s powerful stuff.)

After you watch this episode, would you agree? Have you found this to be true? Has it helped you be a better actor? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. I don’t know that I have another phrase. The thought that popped into my head was: “Isn’t it all about learning, growth and change?” I know that my acting classes inform not only how I direct, but also how I interact with people in my personal life. Understanding a character in a script or book helps me to understand myself and others. I like this concept a lot! Thank you, David.