Do You First Look Inward, Or Do You First Look Outward?

Photo by timJ on Unsplash

Hey there, hero!

I often hear represented on-camera and voice over talent talk about their agents and managers in less than flattering ways.

A phrase I’ll often hear is “My agent/manager doesn’t get me out enough.”

I always fear that those artists are looking in the wrong direction.

Link to register for the VOHeroes Pro Membership VO training:

Hope this helps!



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  1. This is 100% true. For far too long in my career I assumed, “Hey, I’ve got an education, representation, resume… let the work come rolling in, right?” Wrong. I spent way too long basting in the cognitive dissonance of my expectations and the reality of just how many people have training, reps and credit– and that the business doesn’t owe me (or you) anything. If nothing else, my attitude now is one of gratitude for the opportunities, respect for the folks on both sides of the table, and appreciation for a lifelong journey in the arts.

  2. The real question is, “what have *I* done to move the needle? And it works both ways. By my own actions I can move that needle toward—or away from—more opportunities. As you said, agents are in business to make money, and they do it by pleasing both customers (the purchasers of talent services) and clients (the talent). If the talent doesn’t deliver, or otherwise isn’t reliable, the agent may well be disinclined to send them, or may even drop them from their roster. On the other hand, there’s a lot I can do to improve my own chances, too, like training and coaching. It really does land in my lap.

  3. I look inward, most of the time. It frustrates me when I see person A blaming person B for something when it’s painfully obvious that person A is at fault. Looking outward in that way is potentially harmful to others and works against person A’s personal growth. Thanks for the video David.

  4. I agree that you give up your power as an artist when you rely on outside influences. Make the gig! I’ve noticed some big names creating their own work these days. Good work. They aren’t waiting around for the right gig, they are making the gig and keeping their power. I’m trying to do the same with my business. It feels good too.