13212: Deal With Criticism Just Like Joe

Hey there, hero!

Putting your creations out there for the world to see can feel like an act of bravery, and some people get ready for a bit of criticism.

And they might be looking for a way to deal with that criticism.

I say, be like Joe.

Joseph Brodsky the writer/poet, that is.

After a recent video I released was posted about creating my Narrate Your Own Book course, I got an odd response from a listener about how everything I teach…can be found, for free, on YouTube.

How I reacted (or didn’t react) to that was pure Joe. And I thought maybe it would be useful to you, too.

How do you react to criticism of your work from friends, family, casting, unknown audience members, readers, editors etc? Is it painful or easy? Or something in-between? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. You have built a lot more than a series of lessons, David. You have provided a level of expertise and thoughtfulness in that training, a superb team of trainers working with you, ongoing workshops that enhance our skills, and a supportive community of like-minded professionals. All of that speaks to the value of VOHeroes – and is appreciated beyond measure.

  2. I like the idea of the yellow light – pausing to consider, instead of the red – stopping in your tracks to stew, or the green light – rushing right past, cursing under your breath. And while we’re at that yellow light, let me point out one of the very valuable aspects of the VOHeroes program that you’ve put together. Yes, I can find answers to most questions online, but you answer questions I didn’t even know to ask!! For me that is one of the major benefits. Things I didn’t even think about – would never think about – an expansion of my curiosity as well as my understanding- is all there in an organized, easy to listen to package. Thank you! I appreciate you.

  3. What a great way to end the year.

    If I may summarize: Slice, dice, sweep, dump, dust hands. Exit, stage right.

    I’ll just sit here, quietly. Blinking.

  4. I agree with the other comments here.
    Yes, we can find how to’s on You Tube. What we have as VO Heroes is the benefit of the thinking behind why to do things a certain way. We have the ability to connect with you and the other coaches if we need clarification or other help/ insights/ support. We are also given the opportunity to be part of a fabulous community who supports us absolutely because you created Heroes to be heroes to each other. In my experience there is no other place like this community and I am so thankful I jumped on board. I appreciate you David and I appreciate all of the lovely souls I know because of you and these courses.