0088: Constantly Distracted? Treat Focus Like Your Hard Drive



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Hey there, hero!

First, here’s the link to the insanely over-engineered backup system, I use and teach to my Pros:


Now…once you’ve reviewed that, and maybe even decide to implement it so you can sleep easier at night, let’s see how “backing up for easy recovery, not just disaster” matters when it comes to staying focused on the things we’ve decided are most important at any point in time.

In today’s world, focus becomes more and more difficult, and it can be frustrating to try and stay focused. But…it’s inevitable you’ll be distracted.

I have a two step process to get back on track if your focus shifts.

And, again, it will.

Let me know if this is helpful. Questions? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. When this popped up on my email, I knew I had to stop and listen! This was so needful to hear – especially this morning as I am “recovering “ from being on the road for a month! So many things need my attention right now and I have become a bit overwhelmed! Thank you for this sage advice and giving me another tool to put in my “life toolbox.” Bless ya!

  2. This relates very well to the idea of giving myself credit when I catch my self spinning on negative thoughts. Instead of being annoyed at thinking the thoughts, I’m happy I caught myself spinning.

  3. Hi David,
    This is so strange. I came across this video yesterday on YouTube (I’m a subscriber), but I couldn’t concentrate… I became distracted and quite simply forgot about picking up where I left off.
    So, imagine my surprise when it hit my email account this morning?
    Well received and needed. I now better understand your backup recovery process -it fit’s in my headspace better now.
    Thank you, as ever, for providing concise, intelligent and needed information.

  4. Yes David. The acknowledgement of one’s distraction without self chastisement is an essential tool to recovering awareness of and returning to the project at hand. Additionally, your comprehensive back up discipline also serves to minimize distraction because it eliminates the subliminal anxiety of “this could crash and I would be SOL”. Providing cognitive liberation to dance care free with the project knowing it is recoverable. As ever, I appreciate your work. Best, Todd Cattell

  5. Hey David, GREAT podcast! (0088 Constantly Distracted?) The fact that I’m just answering you now means yes, I was totally overwhelmed when I joined VOHeroes in Sept ’22 with all the info/messages that were coming at me from the courses and ProConnect Forum. I’m already a news junkie (having been a broadcast journalist) and now I had even MORE to read and watch!! I had to make some decisions as to how to spend my time. Right now it’s all about working through the VO courses and getting my studio up and running, so I’ve pulled back on acting seminars, and am trying to limit how much time I spend on social media and news sources (and watching all those great shows, if I have to be honest). I think I see my strengths right now in narration (audiobooks) and commercials (no surprise, as both harken back to my radio days). Keep making these awesome podcasts though…I’ll get around to watching them all…slowly!!