A VO2GoGo Pro is killing it with Kindle and ACX

Hey, there!

I love bragging on my Pros.

Especially when they hit something out of the park.

Emilee is doing just that.

I’ll let Emilee do her own talking (I got this video from her recently…after you watch it, let us both know what you think.):

Isn’t that the coolest?? And that class she talked about? Creating Your Own VO Content? It’s part of this month’s VO2GoGo intensive. Perfect timing.

And…if you head over to Amazon right now, you can get the eBook she wrote, Eat, Pray, HCG: Lose Weight Fast On The HCG Protocol And Keep It Off By Gaining Peace Of Mind. (She’s also got the audiobook version cooking – and it rocks).

Let me know in the comments below if this is the kind of VO success story that inspires you – it inspires me, I can tell you that.

Hope this helps.



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  1. Yes this is inspiring! It cements in my mind that my decision to join the ranks of VO through this site is a solid one, and I’m on the right track. I have to finish personal goals this summer before I ramp up my VO business, but when I see something like this I’m even more eager to jump in and am confident I will do well. Congratulations to Emilee!

  2. I agree, David is an inspiring teacher. I am in my 70’s and not technologically adept and while I did not do well with the recording equipment he recommended, his teaching is, as I said, inspiring and I persevered. I was accepted on my first wave of auditions and have had more offers based on my samples. I am confident that you will be hearing from me.
    David is a generous man.
    Chet Hanson