13213: A Bigger Fear Than That Of Failure

Hey there, hero!

Is it possible that in addition to all of the other things you’re concerned with when it comes to your performance career, that actually having a bit of success might be more daunting?

More daunting than the possibility of…failure?

Because then, the rules have to change. You have to start living by the rules of success, not failure.

And you have new responsibilities.

How can this possibly make sense? Do you ever take a moment to consider if you’re fearful of actually succeeding? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. I have been asked to look at the fear of success in other classes (Jodie Bentley). And I admit, I didn’t consciously think of it before she brought it up. However I realize that it is back there, trying to be sneaky in the back of my mind. What if I’m successful and I am offered lots of jobs? First thought? Hot damn-wonderful! And then gnarly little thoughts like how does that affect my relationship to my husband? My family? My friends…..
    I once had a friend tell me that my being cast in parts bothered her and she wondered why I was called in and she and others who auditioned didn’t seem to be considered. It’s like the fear of flying, soaring…what if my success causes people to leave my circle?
    Now that I am more aware of it, I can face it. I think part of facing it manifested as the dark nights I had at the end of last year….
    Life is so interesting.
    As always, David, thanks for the thought starter.