13112: Don’t Ignore Your Successes

Hey there, hero!

Although I’ve tried very hard to take away the fear of starting something new, I’ve paid little attention to celebrating when we actually accomplish whatever that thing is.

I want to change that in this episode, because if we’re going to have the gumption to attempt something, we definitely have to take a moment when we actually get that something done.

It certainly far more likely that we’ll try something, and run into challenges along the way.

But if we manage to do things in such a way that we actually get what we want…well, that’s worth a few fireworks and champagne.

And that’s why this episode is numbered “properly,” based on the total number of podcast episodes I’ve produced in the last 26 years, beginning with the first daily email-delivered Progressive Networks (RealAudio) email attachments back in 1996.

So…give me an example of something you’ve accomplished recently that you forgot to give yourself credit for in the comments below. And tell me how it feels to type it out and maybe say it out loud.

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  1. I have gone from just “thinking” about starting my VO journey to getting repeat clients without auditioning. I am now being requested. My gigs are getting bigger. This is a very exciting moment. And I am so guilty of motoring on without stopping long enough to appreciate what I have accomplished. It’s truly incredible how far I’ve come over the last few years.

  2. I’ve celebrated the completion of the VO Heroes curriculum in the last year, and celebrate being part of this community. Thanks for reminding us to stop and recognize our accomplishments, David.

  3. In addition to my own milestones–like recently sending out the 100th edition of Stuart’s Audacity Tips–my recent celebrations have included the “meta” joys of hearing about successes from VO Heroes I’ve coached, and watching them shed their insecurities and fly. Every time I hear about a booking, or see an audiobook release, I get to have a little happy dance on your behalf. I love this tribe!

  4. I can’t believe that I actually completed an audiobook and created a companion PDF to go along with it. I could not have done these things without the training and encouragement from David, Max and Victoria, the coaches and the entire VOHeroes pro community.

    1. That’s great, Mary–especially when you consider that the vast majority of audiobook narrators don’t have the first clue how to handle that specialized companion work. You rock!

      1. Stuart, I have gained so much confidence that I never had before. I didn’t know what a companion PDF even was until VOHeroes. But the information in the book was necessary for people to see. I went over the classes and figured it out. The author was very happy. So was I!

  5. On my actual play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) podcast, I completed a campaign (a complete story) that ran for 2 years and 8 months worth of episodes. I’ve heard (and experienced) most D&D campaigns don’t even come to a conclusion and just sort of fizzle out. I’m very happy with my accomplishment.

    1. Good for you, Christopher! I also play D&D and I DM a lot so I know exactly what you’re talking about. Congratulations on completing the campaign and also podcasting it! That’s something I’ve been thinking of doing too. What’s the link to your podcast?

  6. Thank you for this, David. I invested in and recorded commercial & animation voiceover demos. I was getting called in from my bridge or “scratch” demos, so taking my game to the next tier, working with you and Trevor on the pro demos, feels very exciting! I also love how they sound! In 2022 I also invested in working with a new acting coach and I love how much stronger I feel in my craft! I had 5 check avails and 1 straight to producers audition from the 29 selftapes I did last year. And I love celebrating that progress! Yes!

  7. I assisted eight non-fiction authors to get their books ready for publication. I am a content editor and ghostwriter. Until today I had never stopped to think about really celebrating my contribution.
    The latest one to get to print was a Dummies book for Wiley. Here is a picture of me celebrating having the actual book in my hands. https://photos.app.goo.gl/uutiaBQoqURisew17
    David, please celebrate that you are a tremendous catalyst for good.

  8. I’m always searching in life to create win-win situations. It’s part of my nature to believe thinking with EVERYONE’S best intentions in mind, is the kindest, most ethical way to lead one’s life. Plus I cannot help thinking outside the box, because inside the box is a space I just never found.

    I made a decision to turn bookings that are normally 1099 earnings into W-2-based earnings, to create financial buoyancy during dry spells and plum plump up social security contributions. One hand modeling job was almost lost over what could have been a very easy conversion, but I searched further after that job. When one client wanted me to do another audiobook, which is the only genre of work SAG-AFTRA pays 1099, I wracked my brain for a solution.
    Bingo! I convinced the client, I’d write and record a top and tail, with the 1-2 hr. audiobook sandwiched in the middle and post it as a podcast. A SAG-AFTRA podcast does earn W-2 wages. So the project will be both a podcast and an audiobook. The client gets a 2 for 1 deal, while launching into the podcast space that neither of us initially anticipated. I get the EDD and SS contributions I want. We both get audiobook royalties on the audiobook, while building a podcast audience, too

    It was a mighty steep learning curve to produce my first episode of the podcast, because there are so many companies wanting to side track podcasters, by selling them their services. Eventually, I established all the podcast outlets’ accounts myself, to keep the client’s costs down.
    Next week, I start episode 2!

  9. Oh my gosh! This really hit home with me as I re-entered the acting field in 2019 after a 23 year “hiatus” raising my family. I had to start over from scratch and instead of celebrating all of the skills, bookings, completion of classes, etc., I would just check the box and move onto the next thing that needed my attention. Kind of like being a mom and raising kids – just git ‘er done. Then I stumbled onto this course of study and I am so thankful! I am learning so much in this course – not just voiceover – but rediscovering who I am and who I aspire to be. I want to celebrate that, first and foremost. I have my first voiceover job airing on Epix Entertainment on January 15 for 4 episodes (Murf the Surf). I was so surprised I got the job and struggled greatly to get it done because I hadn’t found this course at that time. Now I feel like when I get my next job, I will feel confident to git ‘er done with professionalism and skill. Thank you David for all you do for us – Bless ya!