0012: Making Social Distancing Your Secret Weapon

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Want to be a better VO talent, actor or author? Here’s how I can help you…

Show notes

Hey there, hero!

In 1984, I got ill, was hospitalized, spent time in the ICU and almost died.

I managed not to, and had to recover at home for a week or two after being discharged. After one day of soap operas and game shows on TV, I was bored out of my skull.

Then, something amazing and extraordinarily beneficial to my entire future life happened, because of one single decision I made.


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  1. For my day job, I’m still working from home, but since our business is events and filming it’s sllooowww. I plan on catching up and retaking my VO Heroes courses. I am also enjoying the resourceful ways people find to stay social, while staying distant. For instance, I’m in a women’s comic book club and we’re going to meet tonight via Google Hangouts rather than in person.

  2. Thank you David. Yes, this is a time to get to those things we don’t normally have time to get to. Whether it’s cleaning closets, going through the pantry and deep 6-ing the expired stuff, or whatever. I imagine our homes are cleaner than they have been in years because we are wiping down counters and paying more attention to simple things, even just with washing our hands more frequently, and longer. But it is also a time to better our inner selves. Because we can. I have not yet gotten back to finishing my VOHeroes courses (but it’s on the list!), but I am back to reading up on my horse training skills, now that I am back to riding. I have articles to write that I have been meaning to get to. This is definitely a time to reset. I believe we will not only get through this, but do it with new skills and perspectives, and new efficiencies that we had never thought about before. Thanks for bringing that up and calling it to our attention.

  3. Great advice David. I’ve been going through the classes a second time and there are definitely many great tidbits of information that I’ve forgotten about.

    Also, I would recommend that if people feel safe doing so…get out of the house, go for a walk, take a drive. It can really help to combat feelings if isolation and anxiety.

  4. I plan to
    1)write- goal is to finish a book I started years ago.
    2) watch video courses I purchased
    3) create & post some fun content

  5. You mean I’m not the only person who has courses they bought and not completed! INCREDIBLE!!

    P.S. What is the “Spring edition” of VO Heros? Does it have floral prints and lace trim?

    P.P.S.S. I plan to review my VO Heros/VO2gogo classes and complete other classes from “The Great Courses” and ARI and others and to dust off my exercise DVDs.

  6. David…Great stuff. You always have an original and positive point of view. Frankly there are a couple of courses I’ve paid for and plan to engage that, very much like VO, are part of our exit strategy/retirement plan. Tick tock…times a’wastin’.

  7. Thank you for this. I’ve too have been watching a ton of medical information instead of the news, it helps me for some reason. I’m also getting my new sites up and that is enough to distract me all day.