One Final Outcome Frame Question: What’s Stopping You?

Hey there, hero!
We’ve taken a look at a process to help you get unstuck.
To get from where you are to where you want to be.
To move toward success.
One last question.
What’s stopping you?
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
hope you’re doing well here oh I have
one last question that is part of the
neuro linguistic programming outcome
frame and I kind of saved it and put it
off by its own because it can stand on
its own it doesn’t have to be a question
that is part of the progression of that
outcome frame where you ask what is it
that you want
what will having that do for you how
will you know you have what you want
when you get it this fourth question is
something that you can ask yourself
independent of that it works and it’s
one of the other questions involved in
the outcome frame when I lead a client
through it if I want to take them from
where they are now to where they want to
go or want to get them unstuck I just
want to understand more about what it is
that they’re really desirous of doing
and that question is a really simple one
the question is okay this is what you
want this is what you’re gonna get this
is what you’ll know when you get it this
is what we’ll having that do for you so
what’s stopping you from doing that
right now
getting what you want taking those steps
to get where you want to go what’s
stopping you now sometimes we don’t know
what’s stopping us other than maybe fear
of the unknown anxiety about you know
the unknown that bought – that I talked
about in a recent video but sometimes we
do know and we just don’t know what to
do about it
sometimes we know we know what to do
about it but we don’t have the energy or
the resources or the ability to even
identify what it is there are so many
different ways that what’s stopping you
which sounds a little accusatory really
so what’s good go for it what’s stopping
you you know and you think the answer is
oh nothing is stopping me why I’m able
to do anything I want anytime I want but
we know that that’s not true all the
time but I submit to you that it is true
more often than you think it is I think
that sometimes we don’t know if we’re
going to be successful
so to keep our win-loss record a little
bit better we don’t try just in case we
lose right or because failure can be
disappointing failure can be
disheartening failure can be
embarrassing we say oh yeah I don’t know
what’s stopping me but whatever it is
I’ll figure it out and then I’ll try at
some point but really asking yourself
the question if I want to get this if I
want what I want if I want to get that
and I’ve already confirmed that the
reason I wanted is for this and how I’ll
know when I get there is this really
take a hard look at where you are in
look if you want to do audiobooks what’s
stopping you very little
I mean if you’ve got a reasonable
quality microphone the at2020 USB plus
and you have a quiet place to record
maybe what’s stopping you from doing
audiobooks is a lack of confidence in
your ability to narrate or maybe it’s I
don’t know how to do accents and
dialects so I can’t do audiobooks it may
be things that are true and it may be
things that you’re simply telling
yourself because you think they’re true
so really really testing the validity of
what it is that you think is stopping
you is absolutely paramount because if
you come up with those reasons what’s
stopping me you write them all down you
know maybe there’s three four reasons
why you you haven’t started doing
audiobooks you don’t think they’re
you’re gonna make any money it takes too
much time takes to my I heard this a lot
at Volvo Khan a couple weeks ago oh my
gosh it’s so stressful it’s so strenuous
how do you talk that long and I had to
disabuse some people of the notion that
you talk constantly for hours to narrate
audiobooks it’s usually bursts of 20
minutes to 40 minutes which you know
that’s not really all that much and it’s
a lot easier on your voice than doing
animation or video games especially the
efforts so again testing that validity
it’s not really valid to say that
audiobooks are
strenuous or you need some sort of
incredible stamina to do them because
you can think of it like this it’s a
whole bunch of little commercials put
together or a whole bunch of little
explainer videos put together it’s not
really eight or ten or 15 or 20 hours
straight of narrating so check the
validity of what you think it is that’s
stopping you from getting where you want
to go and when you do when you decide
what it is that’s stopping you see if in
fact you don’t have a solution for that
or can’t find a solution for that if it
has to do with voice over it have to do
with performance please get in touch you
know let me know drop me a line there’s
probably something that you can do that
will move you off the dime will move you
towards the the first down line right
move you towards the touchdown I’ve been
watching way too much football this
season okay so that’s gonna be the last
of what I do I think with the outcome
frame because those four questions what
do you want
what will having that do for you how do
you know you have it when you get it and
what’s stopping you
very simply putting those to use can
really help you achieve what you want to
achieve can really move you from here to
there can get you unstuck question for
you what’s stopping you from getting
what you want you don’t have to tell me
what you want in the comments below you
don’t have to tell me but tell me what’s
stopping you and be prepared for me to
maybe question and maybe do a little
arguing I don’t know friendly friendly
arguing but truly tell me what’s
stopping you tell me what it is that’s
stopping you if you want to be on my
list I’d love to have you get on the
list drop down to the bottom of this
page if you’re watching the video on vo
heroes com join the list and I will let
you know when we do these videos in the
future we’re doing one today through the
end of the year and then we’re gonna
apparently people love the phrase once a
week on Wednesday so I think that’s what
I’m gonna call it when we start at the
beginning of the year once a week on
Wednesday I’m David H Lawrence the 17th
I thank you so much for watching and I
will talk to you tomorrow.
Money. I make money doing voice over but know that to do better I need more coaching. More coaching costs money. My accountant says I need to be making more than I spend (makes sense) so I’ve got to put the brakes on spending for the rest of the year unless I get a lot more work (which I am working on).
What’s stopping me??? Fear and not knowing where to start or what to do with my voice over career. I’ve taken classes, have a demo and I’m stuck
Marketing is my biggest downfall. But also, money for additional coaching.
Fear of failure! I lost my mojo and have had a really hard time getting it back. I used to be fearless and try anything. I loved that feeling. I had a few failures and since then I’ve been very careful. I need to make a list of steps towards my goals and start checking them off one by one. That did help in the past.
This sequence of four videos is golden, David, and are resonating with me. What’s stopping me? Over a long career I’ve had my share of successes and failures, but somehow the failures often seem to carry more weight. In thinking about it, what very often stops me is that fear of failure and disappointment. Intellectually, I know that “failure” can actually be a good thing – a teaching moment and a spur. But balancing the intellectual and the emotional can often be very difficult, especially when one is measured by much of society in terms of “success…” Hope this makes sense, but I’m still trying to parse this out….In any case, thank you for this!