13201: You Don’t Yell At A Bud Because It Isn’t A Flower…Yet

Hey there, hero!

Ever get frustrated when you first start learning something and it’s touch to get the hang of it? You know, you want to gain a skill and it’s just not coming and you start to lose patience?

How about when you’re showing someone else how to do something and they just aren’t grasping the fundamentals? Do you get a little annoyed?

I see it happen in Facebook groups that “serve” our performer family, and it makes me sad.

A little patience, some grace, a bit of remembering where we all were when we first started…that might be useful.

How long is your fuse when learning and/or teaching? Do you “yell at a bud” sometimes? How do you feel when you’re on the receiving end of that yelling? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. Hi David–
    Very well said. Patience is something I work on every day. My late father was a yeller.
    Great man, but tough sometimes to be around. He would take my brother and I to
    a “Workday with Dad” (plaster/drywall business) when we were on holiday break from school, and it was constant yelling to run out to his truck to find a certain tool he needed. I had no idea what he wanted and often returned with the wrong one! That would start an avalanche of yelling from him. (much of it needed to be censored!). When he taught me to play golf as a boy growing up in Ohio, he yelled at me a lot for bad swings or lost golf balls. He meant well. I think it was how his parents brought him up. Hard-nosed and old school. Daily, I try real hard to be patient. Patience is indeed a virtue. When I send out VO marketing emails, I tell myself, “Be patient. You’re planting seeds. It takes time for them to sprout.” I’ve had customers come to me months after I sent them an email.
    One of my pet peeves is folks who act all put out and exasperated because I ask them to repeat what they said. Much of the time they’re mumbling and not speaking up. “Hey, don’t give me that stink eye! How about working on your diction buddy.” Patience I must monitor daily.

  2. Yes! Patience and commitment have become rare superpowers in the age of TikTok and instant gratification (I struggle with this as much as anyone).

    The journey so often *is* the destination… and the skills we develop in the process support our next ventures going that much more smoothly. Thank you for this salient reminder 🙏🏻

  3. Oh yes, this strikes home. I have a tendency to think that because I understand, intellectually, how something works that means I can just walk up to it and do it. Not necessarily, in reality, not often at all. And I am hard on myself when I bump into challenges because I, apparently, think I should be able to ace something I have never seen or done before. Maybe my bud needs more water and tenderness….