0063: What’s Your Relationship Like With Casting?



Show notes:

Hey there, hero!

What does it feel like to you when I ask about how you approach casting people…as people?

Are you able to look at them as anything other than your barrier to entry? Your speed bump on the way to a job? Your closed door to a booking opportunity?

Or can you look at them as a peer, a partner…a friendly face in a sea of uncertainty?

I have some thoughts for you on how to lessen the terror of approaching these people…as people.

But I do wonder…how is your relationship with casting at this moment? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. It took me awhile to look at casting folks as partners and as people who were ‘on my side,” but once I did auditioning became a joy rather than a chore. Love you and VOHeroes, as you are ever bashing light in the rough sea of this biz.

  2. David,
    This was so well said! I remember when I was having a problem with an affiliate sign up. I emailed you and I was waiting to hear back from you when my cellphone rang and it was you! I couldn’t believe that David H. Lawrence XVII was calling me. I was so nervous and you were so kind and just a regular person. You made me feel at ease, I was able to calm down and you helped me fix my problem. I must say though that after I hung up with you, I ran to find my husband and son to tell them that David H. Lawrence XVII called ME! Small talk helps me to become more comfortable with the people I meet. Thank you for that conversation we had and your continued help in my voice over journey.


  3. This subject reminds me of something George Clooney said was one of the secrets of his success. Paraphrasing–I had to change my perspective and understand, that I could be “the solution to casting directors problems. They need a role cast. I can solve that problem for them.”

    It’s what a very wise friend of mine advised, whenever a situation seems negative: “Reframe it.” I believe in a particular reality, but it’s really only my perspective on it.. Change my attitude toward it and the “reality” of it is changed. Particularly when I view something as drudgery, I do my best to wrap my head around it in another way.

  4. When I walk into an audition room, I conduct myself as a co-worker. The casting team is there to fine the right person for the character and my job is to be the character they are looking for. If I am, then they will hire me. If I am not, they won’t. It is that simple. When I leave and shut the door to the audition, I do a quick review of what I did, to see if I could of improve it or not. I then forget about the audition and focus on my next project, an audition, film or commercial.
    If you can not take rejections, then you have no business being in this business, because it will eat you alive and you will never succeed.
    Remember the people you are audition for are no different than you. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you.
    The only thing that beats a try, is a failure and a failure is only a proven way something can not be done.

  5. Hello David,
    I believe this very same advice is good for anyone involved in B2B sales, as well. Showing our human, regular-guy side helps to minimize barriers that may encumber the productive, trustworthy, and (much-overused term here) authentic relationship that makes the wheels of business turn. Thanks for the post.