Mark Twain Never Actually Said That

Photo from Wikicommons

Hey there, hero!
I am always amused when someone attributes something brilliant to a famous person, and it turns out that the quote has a far more common provenance.
There’s a really useful quote for today that fits that bill.
And you can put it to use this very moment.
Link to register for the VOHeroes Pro Membership VO training:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there is David H Lawrence the 17th
and I I’m always amused when someone
quotes someone as having said something
really good and it turns out it wasn’t
them that said it and Mark Twain is
often given credit as is Agatha Christie
I believe for a phrase that I just adore
but they didn’t say it it was actually
to the best of what people can figure
out it was first said by an advertising
copywriter for a bank in Ohio and then
maybe a month later some other bank
ripped it off and this was in the late
18-hundreds early 1900s but the phrase
is really useful that’s my point here
especially today because as I record
this and as I release it we’re in the
midst of registration for the new year
of VO heroes with all the new stuff that
we’re offering and it’s great price and
bonuses and you know that already but
the phrase is really the important part
and the phrase is there’s no better way
to get ahead than to get started and it
seems really simplistic it’s a most of
these aphorisms that I really adore are
really simplistic because they’re so
basically true you know we have this
desire to get better at what we do we
complain about the fact that we don’t
get enough auditions or we don’t get
enough bookings or people don’t like us
as much as we want them to like us in
terms of our performance and stuff and
so we want to get better so we can get
more auditions and we can get more
bookings and we get more compliments
from people and we get callbacks and
pins and holds and and hopefully
bookings so we complain about it but
when we go to do something we often fall
just a step short of what it takes to
make that improvement we say okay I’m
gonna you know just an example I’m gonna
take these classes from David and that’s
kind of where it ends
you you’ve made the decision and you’ve
made the statement you’re going to do it
but then do you actually do it and let’s
try something else I’m gonna lose weight
you know I’m being fat is not healthy
for me I’m gonna lose weight it’s one of
the hardest things to get going to get
better at to get ahead because getting
started and for me it was disastrous it
was like I had to do it because I was
frightened to death that I was going to
go blind but going through your house
and getting rid of all the the food
that’s processed and high high carb and
and high sugar that was really painful
for me I had myself a good cry that day
but to get ahead to get where I want to
go it’s not enough to just say I’m going
to do it you actually have to do it and
that first step is the toughest I mean
the very first video I made in this
series for those of you that are new
because you joined my list during the
the registration of the new class and
the getting started course that preceded
this I challenged myself at the
beginning of the year to do a new video
every day for the whole year and the
very first video I did was on January
1st and we were talking about the
toughness the the hard part of getting
started and that’s taking that first
step if you do it’s like feeding your
soul if you take that first step
it’s like nourishment I can do this even
if it’s a little teeny tiny step alright
so the phrase the best way to get ahead
is to get started
means just that take that one first step
you want to get better at voiceover find
somebody to coach with find classes like
mine or somebody else’s whatever it is
take that first step look at your
systems and see if they’re working for
you hone them refine them but take that
first step get started actually get
started don’t just think about it I’d
love to know if this resonates with you
got a lot of great comments with the
getting started course last week getting
started in voiceover you guys were doing
a great job of commenting and asking
questions and stuff you can do the same
thing with this video below it let me
know what your thoughts are on this
because I know that everybody has the
best intention
I just want to know if this is helpful
in getting you to get off the dime right
to move forward with that that one first
step because once you take that one
first step the next step is even easier
and then even easier after that and you
start to see the results it’s just I
could go on for days leave me a comment
below if you want to join my list you’ve
been sent here by somebody go ahead and
there’s a box down there this is get on
the list
I’d love to have you I’m David H
Lawrence 217th I thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Bullseye, David.
You are an amazing encourager!
Thank you.
I’ve been away for five weeks with no internet access and I’ve come back and catching up with your Daily words of wisdom. Also listened to your 5 day sales pitch for your new course. David you get better and better at what you do, and I need to do that to. A long time ago you suggested IVR as way to begin making income, but I poo-pooghed it because I felt I had to do greater things with my life. Not realizing that it’s the little things , the little steps that give us the greatest feelings of achievement. So I’m going to invest in your IVR training. I was a Telephone Operator from the age of 15 to 21, and I was good . So back to the beginning, which is not a bad place to start, Thankyou for your Daily feel good moments. Linda
Wonderful advice. Not new, but so true. Thanks, David actually moved me to take a first step I brrn only talking about for too long.
What’s your plan, John?
Great follow up to the “list” video a few weeks ago.