How To Protect Innocent Bystanders From Being Wounded

Hey there, hero!
I saw a very inspirational quote the other day, and it went like this:
If you never heal from what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t actually cut you.
And that has meaning as actors and voice talent when it comes to dealing with the hardships of our business.
Hope this helps!
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hey there hero its davidich Lawrence the
17th and this is the time of year when a
lot of us do some reflecting a lot of us
kind of see where we’ve been where we’re
going make some changes hopefully for
the better and one of those changes was
really put into perspective for me by a
statement that I read online I’d never
seen it before and when I saw it I was
like I got to share this with everybody
and the statement went if you never heal
from what hurt you you’ll bleed on
people who didn’t actually cut you and
at first blush it’s like yeah wait wait
wait hold on okay so you’re talking
about baggage right so when we make
changes and when we’re able to deal with
whatever was before the corrections of
that the the results of that the
leftover we you know sort of effects of
that and what we’re going to do to make
it better if we deal with that then
there’s a very good chance that the
people around us will benefit but if we
don’t there can be collateral damage so
whatever it is that you’re working on
whatever it is that’s really painful to
you whatever it is that you bring into
new relationships whatever it is that
you bring into the casting room with you
whatever that you you bring to the set
with you or to the studio with you those
can be painful and hurtful to people
that have no idea what you’ve been
through people that have no clue as to
how hard you’ve worked and so when you
have something that’s really important
in your life that you want to change see
it all the way through I deal with the
Payne deal with the solution if you can
find it if you can’t find it
ask for help even a good conversation
with someone you trust can be so helpful
but do be careful that if you don’t do
that work if you don’t find out what it
is that it’s going to take to help you
completely heal from it you could
inadvertently hurt someone else who had
no clue what was coming you know we’ve
all seen very comedic scenes in sitcoms
where somebody absolutely blows their
gasket and everybody around them is like
wha what happened what just happened
there you know why did this happen
because they have no idea what went on
beforehand and you know one of the most
famous scenes is is Billy Crystal in in
what Harry Met Sally and he’s looking at
the wagon wheel coffee table and he said
and before you know it you’re gonna be
arguing over a table you don’t want at
the offices of that is mine and this is
yours or words to that effect I don’t
remember the exact line but it was
hysterical and it’s like you know where
did that come from where did that come
from it came from a point of not healing
it came from a point of not actually
dealing completely with something and
it’s hard to know when you’re done it’s
hard to know when you really are able to
say okay I did that I got finished with
it but that’s what this time of year I
believe is for is for thinking about
those things and I hope that some of the
things that we’ve talked about this year
have helped you do just that and that’s
just my hope anyway I wanted to share
that with you
I appreciate you liking these videos I
appreciate the kind words that you have
appreciate you signing up for my list
that’s really nice of you to do that I
love sharing these things with you and I
thank you so much for your kindnesses
I’m David H Lawrence the seventeenth
thank you so much for watching this
video and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Yeah, and the other side of it is that you can draw upon that finished work, as an important part of your performance toolbox—but only once it’s finished—to create great moments. But you have to do the work of having done with it, or it will hinder, instead of helping you.
That statement is very powerful. I may have to use that sometime. It can be applied to situations I can think of that involve both myself and others.
Love this. And I appreciate you. Seeing you finishing this every day video project has been an inspiration to me. It’s been a real case of it’s not [just] what you say; it’s what you do.