How My VAs Support Me And My Team

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
Hey there!
Today, because I got a question on this from a viewer, let’s take a look at one of the crucial behind-the-scenes mechanisms of my process: my VAs.
What’s a VA? It’s the abbreviation for “virtual assistant,” and boy does she.
The word “virtual” has come to stand for AI as well, but that’s not the case here.
Meet one of my VAs, Stina.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
I got a message from a viewer who said
you mentioned a virtual assistant you
have a virtual assistant how does that
work how does your virtual assistant
actually help you you know don’t they
have to be there to shoot the videos and
all that sort of thing you know and so I
thought well why not use video why not
use one of these videos to meet my new
virtual assistants Tina Marshall so
let’s go over to zoom and find out what
she’s all about
hey steena how’s it going wonderful how
are you I’m doing great look at your
heavier you have your image you know all
adjusted and everything it’s awesome so
just going to jump right into it
steena is my my new virtual assistant
she’s my second virtual assistant you
guys know Rachel steena is is helping me
with a lot of new projects as well and
we got a question from one of the
viewers of the one-a-day videos which
you’re also involved in how does your VA
support you and your team how does that
work and you know I it’s magic to me I’m
you know I’m really happy real quick
we’re not going to be long on this video
this is gonna fit in with the format of
all the one-a-day videos 5 10 minutes
why did you want to be a VA in the first
place well you know one of the things I
have two kids at home and one of the
things I wanted was flexibility and to
be able to help somebody else grow their
business I’m a big believer in
supporting other people and using my
skillsets to help somebody else grow as
a person and enable them to do what they
do best and I think that one of the
things that I do is I help organize a
lot of things in your life so that you
can do what you do best which is amazing
things yeah well I appreciate that and I
had you know and kind of limited my
expectations about anybody that I would
hire as a VA because I feel like what I
do is kind of specialized
but one of the really nice things is
steena has a bit of experience with
managing an actor because one of her
kids her daughter Lena is a an athletic
model a fitness model kids fitness model
and a commercial actor and a theatrical
actor wants to be an actor right so yeah
and so you’re kind of a stage mom yes
and you’ve kind of been a stage mom to
me too I think when I present things to
you you’ve been like oh yeah yeah I get
that because that’s what I’m familiar
with from from dealing with Lena’s
burgeoning career to get to the answers
of what you do tell me a little bit
about what you do every morning
before I even get up because you’re
apparently an early bird you’re you’re a
lion and I’m sorely still a wolf but
tell you to help me out um so in
day-to-day before David gets up and
before my kids get up I check his email
and manage his daily lists on the odigo
though I see if they’re in the urgent
matters that need to be brought to his
attention I manage his LinkedIn as well
so I make sure that everybody you know
hears from him and that we bring again
any anything urgent to his attention or
anything in his day-to-day life that
pops up and that he might need to know
about yeah and she also does little
things to we’re talking about each other
as though we’re not even in the room
which is kind of let’s talk about steena
every day when you go to these one-a-day
videos you see a little link that says
all episodes and when you click on that
link it shows you a link to all the rest
of the now 150 or 160 episodes and part
of that process of managing my stuff for
me is her going in every day and adding
that day’s link to that list so it’s one
less thing that I have to worry about in
the workflow process
I’ve offloaded other things to her and
and the one thing that that she also
does that’s really the most useful to me
is she’s taken off my plate some of the
some of the administrative tasks of
managing the classes every month the the
release of the workshops and the classes
and so on so I’m feeling like I’m
lagging here so I’m going to stop my
video and I’m gonna start it again okay
now I’ve caught up and so she handles
that for me and it’s a very long and
involved process and it’s one that I was
kind of you know stubborn about giving
up but she does it really really well
and so it’s that kind of thing that she
does to support me and my team she
supports the the coaches she supports
the pros the vo to go go pros when they
are signing up for classes she puts them
in the right class what else I think
that that kind of covers it but we’re
adding more things as time goes on and
she’s also going to be involved in the
rebranding later this year
because her yeah her processes are gonna
change because I’m trying to make it
simpler for everybody including
including those of you who are pros and
are taking the classes it’s gonna be a
lot easier for you to get into the class
that you want and then you do something
really sweet every night and I’m sure
sweet is not the right way to describe
it but to me it is and it’s kind of like
you know Tom Peters wrote a number of
really awesome business books in the 80s
and beyond and one of the things that he
talks about is the virtual penny candy
in the bag like when you used to go to a
supermarket when I was a kid you know
long before you were born steena you
know you get your bags you get your
groceries bag and then they throw a
penny candy in the bag just as a little
thank you you know you probably see that
when you go to a dry cleaner or you go
to a hair salon or whatever they might
have little candies in the jar and stuff
and what you do for me every night is
kind of like that can you can you
explain what you do yeah so when I’m
going through his email and managing
that I also take a look at his calendar
and give David a quick text message with
an update of any highlights of his day
for the following day
so that he can be prepared and ready to
take on anything I need to take on yeah
and you think hey how hard is it David
for you to actually just go look
get your calendar I mean seriously how
hard can that possibly be but what it is
is a and it’s and it’s been useful many
many times
oh yeah that’s right I’ve got that first
thing in the morning I probably would
look at my calendar and you know there
been days where I haven’t and I’ve been
kind of surprised at the last minute by
something but that’s just like a really
nice little little thing that’s Tina
does so I wanted to give people
opportunity to see you you’re gorgeous
your kids are gorgeous everything about
what you do for me is gorgeous I really
appreciate it and I’m thrilled that
you’re working with us and thank you for
the support that you offer for all of
the viewers of these videos my pros me
my team my coaches and hopefully I’m not
putting you on the spot you’re enjoying
it no absolutely nice to meet everybody
so there you go that’s Tina Marshall
she’s awesome and she’s really been
helpful and we’ve only been working with
each other for a couple of months I’ve
been working with Rachel my other VA for
several years and you know I guess it’s
kind of odd you think how can possibly
you know most of what I do is on Mike or
on camera
how can a virtual is to help you with
that and as we found out it’s the
administration it’s the actual running
of the company you know I teach I
perform I you know do a lot of things
other than these videos and other than
auditioning and the the administration
of all that is really how she helps me
out and how they both help me out
so there you go I hope that helps if you
have questions or comments about how VA
is can be useful if maybe they’re useful
in your life maybe you’re using a VA or
you have questions for either me or
steena for you know how she works with
me do me a favor and leave that in a
comment below this video if you’re
watching anywhere but on V o to go go
comm pop over to V o Togo go comm
because that’s where all the good stuff
is that’s where we have all kinds of
tactics and strategies and tips and
tricks and and offerings for you to make
your life as a performer fantastic if
you would like to subscribe to my
youtube channel go ahead and click on my
head there if there’s no head look for a
subscribe button somewhere on the page
if you want to see the latest
video I’ve done clicking on that frame
will take you to YouTube and they’ll
play it for you I’m David H Lawrence a
seventeen thank you so much for watching
and I will talk to you tomorrow.
I imagine having two virtual assistants really helps take things off your plate and helps you feel a little less overwhelmed so you can focus on other things. I wonder if I’ll ever need one? Thanks for the video David.
Wow I never thought of a VA for Voice Over Artists. I would love to get into this. Is there any special experience necessary
Fascinating, David. Question: Through which online agency do you find your VAs? Upwork? Fivver?
No. I wouldn’t suggest those sites. One (Rachel) I found through a referral from Kristine Oller ( and one I found via Great Assistants (Stina) – they both had to ace skill testing that most candidates on FIverr and Upwork would fail.
I have learnt to narrate and produce the Audiobooks I do. I manage that reasonably well, but I am bewildered by the selling of myself and my product, and at this late stage in my life I have no energy to learn. I want to put all my passion into what I can do. A VA sounds like what I need, but I’m afraid to give up my independence, also I don’t have money to spend up front to hire someone. I guess what I want is someone who looks at my work, decides they can help us both make money, and take over the selling side. I’m nor sure that asking for this on this platform is correct, but perhaps you can lead me in the right direction. Thanks for”everyday you talk to us”. It’s so helpful.
Hi Stina. Nice to meet you. you have a cool sounding career and you look like you enjoy it!
Thanks for explaining this David! Helpful
David, I agree with Linda Roper that marketing myself and promotion is not my thing. I hate selling the same way I hate vacuuming (which is why I have a Roomba). So is there a VA that would do that for me? And please tell us: what is the Web link for your new VA?
That probably wouldn’t be a VA – that would probably be an MA – a marketing assistant. Two different creatures.