Do You Know What Your Strengths Are? Are You Playing To Them?

Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels

Hey there, hero!
The lovely Betsy is, among other wonderful things, a Gallup-certified StrengthsFinder coach.
If you’ve never taken the StrengthsFinder online assessment, you might be missing out on some key actionable information.
Like…what you’re really good at. What your strengths are.
And maybe you already know. If you do, do you play to those strengths?
Link to StrengthsFinder 2.0:
Just a reminder that AMA II, Electric Boogaloo is in a few days, so ask me anything, in the comments, via email or however you like.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence the
17th and today I’d like to talk to you
about your strengths and instantly when
you hear that word you think oh what I’m
good at
right what I’m what I’m what I’m really
known for you’ve heard me talk about my
s Oh miss Betsy she’s just I’m clearly
out of my league here with her she’s
amazing and one of the things that she
does is she is a Gallup certified
strengths finder coach so you’ve
probably heard of Gallup polls you know
CBS Gallup poll recently said that you
know 67 perceived presented the people
think this well that’s what Gallup is
known for most of the time to the public
but that’s a very tiny portion of what
Gallup does as a business they’re more
of a business intelligence company like
Dow Jones or others and their biggest
product is actually something called
strengths finder and when I first
started dating Betsy I hadn’t heard of
strengths finder but she said hey like
literally within a couple of weeks of us
dating she was could you um would you
mind going online and just taking this
little online assessment this little
survey and I’m like no that’s that’s
fine I mean I taken others before like
myers-briggs and and Colby and things
like that but the difference between
those and strengths finders is strengths
finder concentrates on your business
acumen your your professional you know
strengths weaknesses not necessarily
weaknesses but things that you aren’t
necessarily as interested in or as good
at as the things that you are you answer
a series of questions just like any
other inventory and then it spits out at
the end a list in order of your
strengths from strongest to least strong
they tend to avoid saying things like
weak or not so good you know they’re
always being positive about it which I
love but yeah I mean my last my Maile
strong strength is harmony and I don’t
understand why that is because I
certainly want everybody to get along
but my top five strengths one side taken
the whole thing my top five strengths
number one strategic I want to figure
out how to make this work as a process
as a strategy anything whatever it is
whatever I’m dealing with this thing
this is this video thing training you
with voiceover my performance career my
second highest is achiever so I want to
make sure I get stuff done in this world
I want to make sure that I leave behind
a legacy my third biggest strength is
Maximizer and this is one that I see
such it’s just clear as a bell I want to
take a process and I want to make it 10
times bigger or a hundred times bigger
how do I maximize something that’s
number three number four is learner oh
my god I can’t get enough of learning
stuff I’m taking a class right now from
Adrian Salsbury the pro video academy
live and the ECAM live and I just suck
this stuff up and I think in turn also
in my top ten is teacher so I think in
turn I kind of live the notion that if
you really want to learn something well
teach it to others right and then my
fifth one and you get your top five when
you fill out the the thing I’ve given
you a link to strengths finder in the
show notes for this video and that’s
what the cover of the book looks like
and inside the book there’s a code and
the code lets you take the online
assessment so if you use the link and go
get the book you’ll be able to read
about it you’ll be able to take the
assessment your top five for free as
part of the the assessment and you can
pay a little bit extra to get your
entire list and I suggest you do but my
fifth one is significance and that to me
is my desire to along with achiever
leave a mark in this world and be
thought of in positive glowing ways not
of in ways that are detrimental to my
reputation I’m very very concerned about
leaving a positive mark on this world so
those are my top five strengths and I
wonder if you know what your strengths
are maybe you’ve taken strengths finder
I don’t know but I find it really really
interesting just and it’s not
interesting in a horoscope kind of way
in an astrology kind of way it’s
interesting in that I can point directly
to the things that matter most to me in
my life and say yep strategy achievement
maximization learning and significance
as well as the others in my top 10 or 12
or so and there’s so many cool things
about this there’s the concept of the
balcony and the basement so good things
and you know positive things and not so
positive things about strengths like I’m
sure strategic you know I want to do the
strategy and others like you know what I
don’t really care about what you think
about the strategy so you just keep that
to yourself you know the balcony I don’t
know but I’m just I’m fascinated by the
entire thing and I think that in general
if you know your strengths you can then
make some realizations about your world
and about how you operate and maybe you
can start to fine-tune your approach
I’ve got more to say about this and I
will in the next video because you can
take that a little too far and again
Betsy was the one that presented me with
that possibility as well so viajeros
comm slash get – strengths finder will
take you to that book that I showed you
before and you can take the assessment
tell us what you did tell us what how it
turned out
tell us what you think and what do you
think of this whole idea of
psychological or online assessments in
general like have you done Colby have
you done myers-briggs do they mean
anything to you by the way myers-briggs
I’m an infant I’m an ENFJ and I don’t I
I mean I understand that’s kind of rare
but I don’t feel rare anyway leave me a
comment below tell me about what you
think about all this stuff take the
strengths test let me know what that’s
all about if you want to be on the list
please jump down to the bottom of this
page if you’re on vo heroes comm and
jump on the list get on the list if
there’s a little box you can fill out
for that I also want to remind you one
last time in a couple of days we’re
gonna be doing the ask me anything –
electric Boogaloo where you can ask me
anything about what we’ve been talking
about in these videos about what you’ve
learned from me if you’ve been coached
by me or taught by me anything about
performing anything about voiceover ask
me anything send your questions I’ll be
looking in the comments for questions
that I can you know give answers to and
that thing but it’s coming up in a few
days so get your questions in now okay
I’m David H Lawrence xvii thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
David, you are so busy and do so much… what does a typical day look like in your world? (For the AMA)
I have taken several Meyers Briggs tests and they all say the same thing. I am an introvert which works well for doing long form recording but not so well when it comes to marketing. I can never remember what the other 3 letters are though.
Good video.. Did this years ago but couldnt hurt to revisit. Timely as I am evaluating much of what I am doing work wise and considering work decisions in the future. This could help.
David, I found it funny that my “job” offered a test code the following week. Here are my top five…
Adaptability, Strategic, Deliberative, Relator, Ideation. I can agree with this result…