Coach Stuart Gauffi

Stuart Gauffi is VOHeroes’ DC/MD/VA-based instructor, whose acting and tech background brings a crossover set of expertise to the VOHeroes coaching staff that is invaluable. Read more…

With an unmatched blend of tech and performance, Stuart brings an amazingly broad range of talents to his coaching.

He has coached on topics as different as acting and application development (which have more in common than you might think), in places as seemingly unrelated as a chapel and The White House. And it all comes together at VOHeroes.

Since 1972, Stuart has been performing in one way or another. He’s done live theater, stage dueling, radio drama, podcasting, voiceover and narration; and is the author of Stuart’s Audacity Tips — widely read by VOs all over the world.

He is available for private coaching and audio tech stack analysis via Zoom.

You can reach Stuart at

Meet Trevor | Meet Karen-Eileen | Meet J. Rodney | Meet Max and Vic | Meet Tori | Meet Stuart | Meet Tonya | Meet David