0062: When You Hit A Dry Patch, Remember This About The Stock Market



Show notes:

Hey there, hero!

I was reading a post on Facebook the other day, where a voice talent was really puzzled why she wasn’t continuously successful at VO. She had a couple of years where she was showered with work, and then for the last 8 months or so, she can’t get arrested.

And her question was, based on her past performance, what had she done wrong to make this happen.

And it reminded me that our business is a lot like the stock market.

And there’s a particular phrase used there, that we all need to remember here.

How do you react when you have a dry spell with no work? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. This video came at the exact right moment for me, as was working on audiobooks nonstop from September through March. But since I wrapped the last one, I haven’t booked anything new despite an unusually high (for me) audition rate. Two comments: I’ve stopped auditioning for projects on ACX in the $50-$100 range, and I wonder if that places me in significantly fiercer competition with more excellent narrators. I don’t have that many audiobooks to my name, so perhaps RHs offering those higher PFH rates might be looking for narrators with fatter portfolios? Unrelated but I’m interested in feedback here: I’m struggling to understand how to process the experience when an RH responds to my audition with enthusiasm and compliments–and then goes on (days later) to hire someone else. Did someone tell them that it’s good business to personally acknowledge all auditions? Am I in consideration? Should I email them back (before the casting process is complete)? It gets me all excited and I try not to get attached but I just don’t know what to do with it.

    1. Keeping a floor on your rates is essential – you’re worth it (as you know). As far as RH’s being complimentary, don’t take it as anything beyond that – they liked your work. They still may go with someone else, but they liked your work. That’s how to process it – don’t read anything more into it than that, and you’ll never be let down. We sometimes tend to read more into it than we should, and then potentially are disappointed when what we hoped for, based on that additional layered meaning, doesn’t materialize.

  2. Thanks for this lovely reminder that we’re much more alike than we are different. When my dry spell blows in, I first think, “Oh good, I need the break.” But then 10 minutes later, I start to panic. I bounce between the euphoria of downtime and the fear of being unproductive until I finally accept the gift of relaxation and then the work starts pouring in. Logically I know that I could skip the panic and just go to acceptance, but that would be so out of character. What’s the fun in that?